(no subject)

Oct 21, 2007 19:29

My weekend-

Friday: I lied and said that I was hanging out with Cecilia for her birthday so that I wouldn't have to babysit my sister. I started to drive to the Montrose area, but then I went too far and got lost. After getting lost, I found my way back, sort of. Anyway, I met Alekos at Deitrichs with about a billion people who ride bikes. Then Felipe met me there and brought people I hadn't seen since 8th grade. WAWKWARDW, a little. Then after a while, Alekos left with his bike gang, and then Felipe + his girls left. I went to Agora and met up with Zoe K. and Haley Aaron, and I met their friend Pam and her boyfriend Jon. Jon's friend was there too, and his girlfriend from Kansas City, Missouri. I hung out there until like 11:45, and then everyone was leaving, so I dropped Zoe off at her car and went home. Sleptttt.

Saturday: Woke up early, went to Helios for a photoshoot with my mom, and went to teahouse with my sister for a while. Then my mom and I went around to pick up her clothes for the shoot she's doing on Monday...tomorrow. Then I went home and showered and picked up Felipe Nunez from Agora to go to the KTRU show @ Diverseworks. We met Zoe K. and Pam Cantu + BF Jon there. It was really good, I'm glad we went. Afterwards we went to dinner at this Thai restaurant where we met Haley Aaron and Morgan Shelburn. Annie Baker met us there after dinner and we sat in the parking lot for a while. Then Haley and Annie left, and the rest of us went to Agora, and we bought colorful cigarettes. They came in a glittery case and they had like 5 different colors, they were adorable, it's too bad that I don't smoke. Then we hung out at Agora for a while. Then Morgan left and Felipe, Zoe and I sat around for a while more. Then Felipe really had to go home, so we all headed out. I dropped Felipe off at home, and then I went to Lindsey Smith's house until like 3:00 am! I got home around 3:15ish and, I was sooooo tired.


EDIT: I started to make all of my entries FRIENDS ONLY but it was highly tiring, so now it's friends-only commenting.
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