Hey everyone...
Just a quickie note to let ya know I'm still breathin'.
This weekend I am gonna be attempting to catch up on as much as possible. Including here.
The past couple of weeks I've been on an 8th Grade field trip to Mt. St. Helens, a Blazer Game, started going to a group therapy session in addition to my normal one-on-one, had a horror movie fest last weekend @ my dads, got two computer viruses (or is it virii? ha ha ha), cleaned two computer viruses... the list goes on. For the most part it's been a lot of inconsequential little errands, and some bad, bad days tossed in with some mediocre days, and the few highlights listed.
Everytime I get on the computer I just feel so overwhelmed that it's hard to get back into the swing of things. It's like cleaning house. If ya clean everyday, and the house is basically spotless then it's easy to stay with it. However, if ya let it go for a while, and you're a packrat (like me) then one day you turn around, and to your horror you're up to your eyeballs with stuff that ya really don't need, but can't think to part with. After viewing the mess you get so overwhelmed that ya just don't start. It's nothing personal I swear! I just need a good chunk of time that I can focus with.
Oh, and if you're waiting for an email from me, please be patient. Something went wonky with my mail client when I had the initial virus, and it wiped out all the emails in my inbox. Fortunately I back things up at my webmail site, but I haven't had a chance to go there yet.
I'll have pictures to post from the last Shifft show, and the Mt. St. Helens trip sometime over the weekend.
Oh, duh! One thing. I set my little sister up with a journal here so that she can post about concerts and what not. Feel free to take a peek. It's all pretty new to her, and she can't post the pics she wants until I finish resizing them for the web. Anyhoo, if ya wanna peek it's here:
ravenmidnight Ok, that's all for now.
More in the next couple of days. :)
Ciao 4 now...