Sooo nervous, mad, worried, etc...

Sep 02, 2005 12:05

I just found out that my dad got his alert. They're gonna be sending him down to the disaster area. He's not sure exactly when (within a few days), but it's definite.
He's the safety manager for a major international company that deals with damage restoration. They go to fire and water damage scenes, and clean and repair damages, etc. That's the extent of my knowledge about his job. The one thing that I know is he was one of like 40 people in the entire company who was trained for major natural disaster, and terrorist stuff. That's why they want him down there.

I already told him (before we knew for sure) that I'd go over and help out with their house, and Elyse while he's away. Karen's been keeping some pretty crazy hours at work, and it's been tough for them to find time to keep up with everything. So I am gonna go stay there for a bit, and help with things.

When we initially talked he suggested that he could be gone for a couple of months! My dad is a natural leader, and I know he'll do some good while he's there, but I'm concerned for him.
I mean just the images on the TV have been traumatic. I can't even fathom what it must be like to actually be there.

Which is a perfect segue to the bigger picture.

Did we not impeach Clinton for having sex with an intern? The why, for the love of God, can't we impeach Bush for...oh I dunno...flagrant ignorance??
I have been watching the news a lot. I'm so heart broken over what's going on in Louisiana, Mississippi, and all who've suffered because of it.

I was appauled when I saw the news yesterday and they were saying that no aide had been delivered to a majority of the people down there. As many have said thus far... We can easily give aide, almost instantly, to the victims of the Tsunami, and we can go tear down and restructure Iraq, but we can't get food and water to cities in our own country? WTF??

It just makes me sick! Those poor people are suffering. They're dying because we can't give them simple things like food & water.

The president has been there twice now, and for what? So that he can take security/police away from helping out to protect him? What if, rather than him going there and delivering a speech, he filled airforce one full of supplies, and sent it down to help.


I don't have any money to give, but I am going to go donate blood. I know it may not mean much, but I have Type O Negative, and that's usually what they run short on first, so maybe it'll help someone.

Anyhoo... I'm gonna close for now. This topic just absolutely tears me apart.
I'll post more about what's been up here a bit later.
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