nothing can take away these blues

Jan 25, 2006 22:07

THIS is me really giddy..
really really really really giddy..
i got a root canal today..
half of it at least..
i got three books today, and they are going to kick ass..
i am pumped!!!!

adam makes me smile silly..
kelly was right.

today i am the happiest i have ever been in a year..
and i have NO clue why!!!

part a.
me: you frustrate me in the right ways..its weird
him: how
me: usually when i get frustrated i ignore someone but when you frustrate me i cant stop wanting more..not more frustration..just more talking.
him: and i know how you feel with the frustration, ill always talk with you too
me: aww
him: the most i would do is hang up and hope you call back

part b.
me: what are you thinking adam
him: im thinking that my mom told me she asks guys she liked that same question when she was your age
me: your so smart

part c.
him: ok, for music i found a song that makes me think of you
him: pass me
me: pass me by who
him: triple 6
him: its just a happy energetic song
him: actually, i can find a better one
him: hold on
me: haha k
him: im listening to rap now
him: you shouldve gotten me to find one about an hour ago when i was listening to beatles
me: tell me tommorrow
me: all these songs are about weed
him: so
him: weed is good
me: and weed makes you think of me?
me: thats funny
him: unfortunately by the time i smoke its usually 3am or so
him: and all i want to do is pass out
me: cute
him: unless im on my way to a movie
him: i love smoking before a movie
me: i love sneaking in coffees and food from mcdonalds into movies
him: i like sneaking liquor in
him: i feel like such a drug-head when i pregame a movie
him: but whatever, it makes the movie more fun
me: this summer lets see a movie and get high before it and sneak in liqour and then hold hands..that'd be cute.
him: deal.
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