"teach my infidel husband how to christmas"

Dec 02, 2010 00:40

Yep. I juat put that into google trying to find some advice on what to do. Turns out, google isn't hip to the nuances of a cross-cultural partnership. Rats!

Seriously, though. Today C and I started talking about Christmas and he seems to not be taking it very well. It started out with a confusion about the need for decorating, progressed to a very incredulous "I have to buy you gifts?!?!", and ended with a flat-out refusal to participate in any "stocking nonsense." Hahahaha.

To be fair, he's not a big selfish jerkhead but he comes from one of those weird families that doesn't really do much for birthdays/holidays and I am a spoiled brat only child. It was pretty much inevitable that this would happen. He keeps telling me that he's never bought a gift for anyone, ever. I believe him, since it seems more like performance anxiety than actual scrooginess.

The funny thing is that I've been really slack on Christmas ever since I moved. I just... haven't bothered much about it at all. But this year feels diffferent since we're a little family and I really want to observe as many of the traditions as I can. I've decided to take it as something of a challenge and do everything I can to make him try to give a shit. Still not holding out a lot of hope for this year since it's his first. Don't worry, though, I'll be gentle.

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