i just called in at the station and won a shirt from the live band
i got a job today
i'm a temp.
i get a cubicle. i'm excited for my own set of cubicle clips.
i think i'm coming to pittsburgh for a few hours on monday and then heading up to erie for two days. i don't start work until late next week, so that should work out. i have a show on the 27th. we have yet to practice.
my mom's birthday is next week too. i'm throwing her a surprise party. i just found out that for mother's day, we're taking my grandma to be on the Price is Right in Atlantic City. that is exciting! i love watching that show with her, so i'm excited to go to a taping with her.
i think this is the most detail i've gone into on a livejournal post since the post i made after nerd camp. welp yeah. i don't gots no more.