Hello! :} I hope you guys don't hate us for the huge, gigantic delay on posting the results. I had a weird eye infeccion and was in a run because of school tests. Sorry! :/ Finally, the results:
People's Choice
Made by
la_loony Mod's Choice
Made by
alexzrules We really love the composition here! The picture placing is adorable and you were so creative on the off space use. (: Great job!
Congratulations! Your banners will be posted soon. :)
Voting Results!
Click here to see your icon number)
01. -4 +1 = -3
02. -1 +1 = 0
03. -2 +2 = 0
04. -5 +1 = -4
05. -0 +3 = +3 People's Choice
06. -6 +1 = -5 Eliminated
This challenge eliminated
#01 - its very blurry, could have been sharper. the coloring could have been a bit brighter
#01 - The icon is rather blurry.
#01 - the coloring is too dark
#01 - the blurring of the background to focus the viewer on the person only emphasizes that the crop is far enough away to make it very difficult to identify who it is. had the crop been a bit closer, this effect would have worked much better.
#01 + I really like the blurred effect around the focus of the image.
#02 - the texture doesn't match the picture
#02 + It's a really good use of textures and it makes the model stand out from the background.
#03 - Though I think it's cropped pretty good I think the blurry effect is not working for the icon.
#03 - The icon needs more contrast and the circle texture is distracting.
#03 + love the circular blur, and the light coloring. great job
#03 + The whirl texture is very nice
#04 - The textures/brushes with the border makes the icon rather busy.
#04 - The frame and this text just don't fit the pic in my opinion, the rest(coloring&the light texture) would make a good icon by itself.
#04 - The texture used to frame the image distracts too much from the image
#04 - The text everywhere is really distracting, taking focus away from the girl.
#04 - the frame is too overpowering
#04 + good use of text :)
#05 + It's a orginal crop with great coloring.
#05 + nice crop....though the font choice could use a bit more thought (maybe something a bit more elegant to reflect the style of the dress)
#05 + i like the use of text
#06 - The icon is a little oversaturated, making her a little too orange.
#06 - there's a serious lack of contrast in this icon. the grass just looks like a blur of yellow and green with no definition to it. the same problem applies to her dress.
#06 - the colors are very over saturated and the crop cuts her off weird.
#06 - the colouring is a little too yellow
#06 - I'm all about the interesting crop, but the image seems to be oversharpened a tad too much
#06 - There's way too much contrast and the crop is weird: it'd be prettier showing more of her face.
#06 + The close crop is great and the colors are fresh and well saturated.
The next challenge will be posted soon! :)