Apr 16, 2005 23:29
hey ok wow!! i havent updated in like forevr!! i dont even remember when the last update was!! but neways!! ok so the week b4 last i dont know wut i did ummmm just chilled i think n then that weekend i dont rele remeber wut i did besides go to the beach w/brittaaaay daniel doug timmy dan & tom and tressa lol!! n then DANIEL ASKED ME OUT :)!!!! (april 10th) but neways the next week i dont know wut i did!! lol!! ivfe basically been just chillen w/ppl!! um...today i went to the beach w/britt n we saw kaila chels liz arial(donno if liz n arial rele like me but w/e....) n clayton n kris!! n then tonight me n britt hung out w/daniel n kris....went hott tubbin!! lol!! well neways im gonna go 4 now!! im as lil tired!! gonna call daniel n then go to bed (beach agen tomorro w/daniel dan doug timmy n tom n kris n tressa agen!! lol) (im working in the tan!...or trying to get 1 at least!!)