(no subject)

Jun 16, 2005 11:16

well my summer is starting off kinda crapy i have been sick for some time and it sucks thanks you guys for the comments it means alot to me well its kinda funny because when i call steph she wont anwser and thats cool i guess but whatever i really havn't talked to anyone latly because i have been really really weak and it suck but you have no control over that um.........im soooo excited rose gets back from eupore or however you spell that she gets back in like to days yay charli if you read this i love you sooo much girl thanks for staying be me when that all was going down it really means alot to me i really mean that.............frankie i love you and were haning out next weekend because im still sick uhhh i hate this......so are you leah were all going to hang out ok love you gurlies well i have pretty much so far stayed at home i really havn't done much goes to say that sucks becaue i haven't had the energy to do anything well i don't feel like typing ohh yeah.........kelly i love you were hanging out...........so are we chels this summer is going to be great when i get better CONGRAGULATIONS kate for graduating however you spell that haha i really can't spell well hang out when i get better kell......K? love you alll buhbye xoxoxo <333

p.s cammmi comment i added you soo you can comment now i think its not a good choice to do that we will talk later buh bye xoxoxo
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