
Aug 24, 2011 18:45

I am in love with Telltale's Back to the Future: The Game. Well, except for the end of episode 4, which is absolute torture (but since it's BTTF, is it spoilers to say that it turns out okay?).

So, now I am even more afraid of a potential remake, and I want fic. I especially want fic of Marty and 1931 Doc doing awesome future-BFF stuff. I think I've already accepted that I'm going to write this myself, especially since I just cannot cope with the idea of Doc/Marty slash. I would make some excuse about friendship, but, well, you've probably noticed all the explicit Star Trek slash. Some of which involves time travel and a large age, yeah.

Anyway, I will let you borrow my hoverboard (which I will totally have in 4 years) if you can point me to any awesome gen BTTF fic or would be willing to fangirl over the game with me.
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