Dec 27, 2013 15:26
Hi guys! I hope your holiday times are going well. Christmas was a blessed day for me; I spent the best day with all of my family (brother was here for 2 days!!! victory!!!) and it was just great. It was a lovely day and an added bonus was of the really wicked gifts I received from Santa. As of now my time is split between GTA V, Pokemon X, reading new books on my kindle, and just enjoying my time off. I also have to get started on school stuff again and start studying for my big exam next year. All in all, I don't even have a game I want to play at this point (I downloaded so much stuff from all sorts of people that it's going to take a good 5-8 hours to go through and organize how I want). At this point I miss my game desperately but I'm not in the mood to do what needs to be done, so I'm taking a break for a little while, I'm thinking. I'm not sure if I am going to be around tumblr/gos much but I'll will still be here so if you need something pm me anywhere!!! (You can reach me at my simblr, personal tumblr, livejournal, dreamwidth, or gos and I'll get back to you).
I hope you guys are having a swell Friday!! See you in the new year!!♥
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