Jun 19, 2005 01:49
ArejectIShere: sooooo
Xgunsgoboomxboom: sooo
ArejectIShere: qwhas this i heeaar about you huys wanting to kick my ass
ArejectIShere: whats^
ArejectIShere: hear^
ArejectIShere: guys^
Xgunsgoboomxboom: i dont want to fight you? thats nicole
Xgunsgoboomxboom: who told you i wanted to kick your ass?
ArejectIShere: no no
ArejectIShere: brittany wants to lvol mr sdd yoo
ArejectIShere: kivk
ArejectIShere: mya a
ArejectIShere: my as
ArejectIShere: ass
ArejectIShere: too
Xgunsgoboomxboom: what ? that first sentence didnt make sense
ArejectIShere: i said
ArejectIShere: no, brittant wants to ckick my ass tp
ArejectIShere: kick^
ArejectIShere: ypp^
ArejectIShere: too^
Xgunsgoboomxboom: notthat im aware of just becasue she called you dosent mean she wants to kick your ass. are you on something becasue your typeing is all messed up
ArejectIShere: yea
ArejectIShere: oh ok
ArejectIShere: and then nicole was juston the phone withe= her
Xgunsgoboomxboom: nicole was sitting right besides her and took the phone away from her that dosent mean that brittany wants to kick your ass though
Xgunsgoboomxboom: are you high?
ArejectIShere: no
Xgunsgoboomxboom: o
Xgunsgoboomxboom: than what are you on?
ArejectIShere: xanax
ArejectIShere: i bought one for kelly
ArejectIShere: only becaussse o ;; see her tommorrow
ArejectIShere: becaause^
ArejectIShere: ill
ArejectIShere: tomorrow^
Xgunsgoboomxboom: cool
ArejectIShere: yea
ArejectIShere: man
ArejectIShere: im like
ArejectIShere: falling out of cahirrrss and shit
ArejectIShere: shairs^
ArejectIShere: chairs^
Xgunsgoboomxboom: oh ok
ArejectIShere: man
ArejectIShere: stephanie
ArejectIShere: im such a bad influence
Xgunsgoboomxboom: i didnt plan on it
ArejectIShere: they just mihg tb TOOAWESOME for you
ArejectIShere: doing bars is better than being high
Xgunsgoboomxboom: what?
Xgunsgoboomxboom: ok
ArejectIShere: i said
ArejectIShere: they they just might be too aaweso,e for you
ArejectIShere: awesome^
Xgunsgoboomxboom: ok
ArejectIShere: hopefully i can stop by tomorrow with mike
ArejectIShere: the guy with the lip ring
ArejectIShere: and the tattoos
Xgunsgoboomxboom: ok to do what ?
ArejectIShere: hang out for a little bit
Xgunsgoboomxboom: ok
ArejectIShere: we're gonna bing kelly
Xgunsgoboomxboom: cool