I'm having a real hard time with Q not eating anything. I'm getting really sick of making him food only to have him shoot me a "WTF is this?" look and throw it all on the floor. If it looks foreign to him he won't even try it. Seems like I spend more time cleaning up crap off the floor than anything. ( And we got ants AND mice now, so I'm always
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I'm telling you - the food s is just a big bear. But I can say this with some authority, he ain't gonna starve. He will eat when he's hungry. It's totally ok to feed your kid bananas all day and night. And I think ok to submit to their will at times. If gets 'em off your back and you get some peace, just take the f'ing banana.
If he's being so picky he's probably really just not hungry. My kids go through these fasting trips where I'm like "oh fuck, he's all sick or something" and really I think their bodies just give them information and they just behave like nutballs because they can't talk yet. Bananas are cheap, they're easy, ok kind totally gross when they get all over the carpet, but at least he's into those!
I have said and though some of the meanest s to Mingo in the middle of the night. I am not proud of getting redblind rage at my 1 year old teething baby. As one mom said to me after I had E - "no one really prepares you for feeling like an ax murderer"
But we're still loving them, we're still getting their clothes on and throwing some macaroni at them and hoping it all works out. What else can we do? You're a great mom to a great kid. Brat status is transitory. We all come by it honestly. love and strength, h
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