Oct 18, 2004 18:42
It seemed that after the last entry people thought i was a very angry and diturbed person, I am not I actually am pretty much the opposite, I am a very happy person
I am listening to the Chicago soundtrack, is it just me or does that movie just make you want to get up and be a whore, it makes murder look fun (ok this is why i shouldn't watch movies, this is what happens i start saying things like murder looks fun)ok like i said in my last entry i am the very definition of a goodie goodie, But sometimes everybody justs wants to rebel, now my defenition of rebelling is not the same as others, while others go and have wild and crazy sex with some randome guy, mine is going to Olive Garden and pretending to be 30 years old with kids (Ok thats an inside your joke Em and Ab will know what I'm talking about)