Death, Destruction, and General Clumsiness is what I do

Sep 01, 2010 18:49

 This week has sucked. Seriously. Youdon'thaveagoddamnedclue.

School has begun again, not so bad, in itself--but goddamn my teachers suck. They are the kind of teachers who make you hate your favorite subjects and you just want to punchinfreakingfacebecauseyoufuckingloveHistoryANDYOURUINEDIT.

Anyway. As the week progressed, I A) learned one of best friends is a complete and totally douchebucket, B) had to run a mile and a half in 109 degree weather on a track that is five degrees hotter than that, and C) broke my goddamn wrists.

That's right. Both. And they wouldn't even let me keep the x-rays. (Apparently they don't do hardcopies anymore. Bastards.) I don't even know when I broke them, either. It could have been any number of times:
  1. When I fell down the stairs last month. Twice.
  2. When I tripped over my toes and fell out of the car in Malibu.
  3. Or any of the other falls I've taken recently, considering I trip myself at least five times a day.
Thats not even counting when I walk into doors, walls, ect.
Their relatively minor fractures, but still.
 For those of you who don't know where the radius and ulna are, I've been all handydandy and marked them on photoshop. They also found a pretty sick bone anomaly on both my wrists while I was there, too. Thats the red line--exact same place on both wrists. The green line is where I fractured it. Obviously not my hand, I stole it from Google.

Oh, and I caught a cold from the hospital. 

wtf, sigh

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