Braces are Fuck

Jul 16, 2010 22:32

I knew I was going to be sore. I really did.

What I didn't account for, however, was the actual pain of my bones re-aligning.

I can't eat. I can't touch my teeth in anyway. I can't even constrict my teeth too fast. I was trying to floss, and I got it stuck on one of the shiny metal pieces. I nearly broke down do to the sheer amount of patheticism.

This was after a) I couldn't eat the bacon pizza I was craving, b) couldn't make kissy noises at Kitteh, c) my blender broke and I couldn't make myself a milkshake, d) Kitteh peed on my bed, e) couldn't take a nap on my freshly washed bed sheets because of d, and f) the entire bone structure of my face felt like it  had been kicked in.

ALSO. My wisdom teeth, under normal, not toddler-sized-mouths circumstances, wouldn't have to be pulled. But, since I am never that lucky--they all do. Next month. Then I get spacers. Then two years from now, I get jaw surgery.

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