Dec 14, 2004 19:23
Well, lets start from the beginning. On Friday eve'nin i went to Lchobin's with like twelve other people and we watched by far the SCARIEST movie of my entire life. The saturday I woke up late, and barely made the bus for the meet. Seriously. We got on and the bus took off. Then on Saturday night, Paul's Partayyy.
Went with Sean, and there was tons o people there. And they were wicked cool. But I, being the only freshman there, was the loser of party. For example: I dont a have ghetto bootay (tough loss), I can't play an instrutment (or pool) I crushed Tim and I, yes, I, have an obsession with M&Ms. Not really, but I realized I was eating more of them, then I thought humanly possible. So I stopped that.
There was this one kid there, and I just can't mention his name, but you know. HE WAS HAWT.
Need I say more?
Oh yeah, Everyone who doesn’t leave me comments: Thanks for nothing.
Start Leaving some. Sheesh.
I think I made a huge mistake.. maybe?