A partial translation patch for the third episode of Umineko came out just yesterday. Besides the joy of the patch just coming out, I'm also having a lot of fun with the sound novel too. *laughs* However, the outside of my aparments are being painted today and the painters are starting to sing sooo... I'm taking a break from the game at the moment. Singing painters kinda ruin the ambiance.
So instead, I figured I'd post a bit here and do a lil image dumpin' . I haven't CG-ed anything in a good long while, but I do sketch quite a bit. And also, for some reason, I play around with colored pencils at work sometimes. It makes for nice personal decorations. Here are a few not-bad images for viewing pleasure. They are all Mabinogi themed by the by, because that is my current obsession :) .
First off, a pick of my guild mates Krim~
This is pretty much the only sketch of Krim I have ever been able to do that doesn't look horrible. ....*weep* . I have troubles with Krim's design so I've been sketching her a lot. Eyes are a touch bigger than I ussually do but I think it sort of works. Kinda. In a way.
Oh yeah, and I ran out of space to write Krim's name so that's why it sort of cut's off *laugh*. I have some pics of Sheri too, but none that I'm really pleased with so I don't have any up in this post. Sorry Sheri ^^;;;!
Here's a pick of my character Jesolo:
I'm... not sure If I've posted this before or not. I liked this on until I saw Charlie's version of Jes. Then after that, my version looks so very, VERY poor in comparison. ahahaha....ha...ha... *weep*.
BONUS SKETCH TIME- Emo Bear loves the candy.
I like to imagine that Tarlach was "secretly" stealing candy shipments from Tir Chonail townsfolk. Bahaha, the Tir Chonail sword instructor (Randal?) DID mention that his candy orders mysteriously never came in....
Finally, the next image WAS NOT done by me. I just found this on the Mabi message boards and it cracked me up. So, I felt I had to share.
There's a bit of a story to it, but I'm too lazy to post it. Uh... short version, there's a pic up at the site with the Mabinogi kids and Manus hanging out. The pic sort of stands out because ...well, what the heck is the adult Manus doing there? Apparently, the ORIGINAL version of said pic actually didn't have our favorite healer there. So well, obviously image editors had to make a visual comment :D. *laughs*