well had a pretty good time last night in belmar. was talking to a friend and hes absolutly right that when everyone updates their livejournal its always sad. i dont want mine to be sad anymore. fuck that
so last night went to belmar with alex matt evan sara. and we had an amazing time . o my boyfriend was their 2 we went to the beach even tho i was a tad bit tipsy at the beach but not when we were walking home. then we chilled in the house . but we went to the corner store first. i feel like most of the problems i had with my boyfriend are worked out . it may seem like we bicker all the time but its nothing to us i mean we just laugh it off to be honest. everyone thats been in a 8 month relationship knows wat its like to bicker . but hes the only one i love to be with. hes my bestfriend. wat a loser...
haha wtfff <3 omgilovehimsoomuch
hes so fucking hot and so fucking mine :)
lord evan ( hes mondo hott !!!)
wat the hell was he doing ????
one old school <3