
Aug 16, 2007 19:33

So, it's about time for an update--in more ways than one. Here goes:

Work:  My time in Gold Country was actually very enjoyable, much to
my surprise. Although Moccasin is isolated, I liked my work, my
supervisor and co-workers, and feel that we really did some good work
while we were there.  Most nights were spent sitting on the front porch,
in conversation, playing solitaire, and learning to play the banjo uke
(still not very good:), and generally just trying to pass the time. I loved
being able to go hiking and swimming right after work, and was able to
get on a normal eating and sleeping schedule -- something I haven't
done since elementary school.

There's a high chance I'll be returning for November, December, and
January, and I can't wait.

Visits: I spent a week on Ventura Beach with my family, went sailing
with my dad, and had a great time hanging out with and playing music
with my family.

The next four days were spent in Brea for Raquel's 21st birthday, and
although I didn't get to see everyone I have been missing so much, I
did have a great time. And, as a bonus, I got to see Pat's band, Habitat,
play a show in Long Beach.

Home: My roommate Nathan is leaving this week for a long vacation
with his family and an extended stay in Virgina. I speak on behalf of all
the gang in SF when I say that we will miss him dearly. So, I put up an
ad on Craigslist for someone to sublet the room, and have had a huge
number of responses. I have read more interesting stories in the last
24 hours than I can tell -- people from all over the world looking to stay
in this beautiful city for a while. I have interviewed a couple already, and
I can see that I am going to have a hard time making this decision.
Whoever s/he is, I hope that I will learn from and enjoy their company
as much as I have all the other wonderful people who have lived with me
in this apartment: Travis, Raquel, Pat, and Nate.

Plans: I have the travel bug, in a huge way. Although I love San
Francisco, I have this insatiable urge to get out and travel, meet new
people, see new places, learn new things. And now is the time to do
it: I have a degree, a little money, no debt, and a month-to-month lease
on my apartment. I am single, healthy, and excited.

I intend to start my travels in the continental US, starting in Oregon
and moving East. If I find something I like, I'll stay a while. If I don't,
I'll move on. If all goes well, I want to travel abroad, possibly teaching
English in other countries for a while.

Before all that happens, though, I'm taking a trip to the East coast
with my dad, probably to Montreal and then down to Maine and
maybe Boston and New York. We'll see. This is planned (tentatively)
for the second week of September.

School: Of course, I can't stay away from school. I'm taking 12
units online this semester, partially to keep my health insurance for
a while longer and partially to keep busy.

That's most of the news I have for you, but I do have a request
(for anyone who actually read through all this newsy schtuff):
Where should I go? What are your favorite travel destinations?
Where would you go live, if you could?

Thanks :)
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