candid shots (1/3) (drabbles)

Jun 29, 2012 01:30

candid shots
!drabble challenge
l/woori | pg-15
because every unknown moment is a memory that you will cherish.

` beginning | 262

tic. toc. tic. toc. pearl eyes glanced up from her position in the corner of the coffee shop. the insistent ticking of the clock aggrivating her ears more than she would have liked to admit. but the clock wasn't just a simple wall-analog. no- from what her clear orbs could tell, the black strap that was wrapped around the toned wrist of the person beside her, it was just a small hand-watch.

just how something as small as that could catch her attention, well- it wasn't much of a surprise to woori. that is until she glanced at the owner of the device. whom was, staring directly at her.

shielding her sight from view, she prayed a small hail mary as she went back to scribbling her notes onto the ruled-paper she had splayed all over her small area, in hopes to appear like she hadn't just been staring at the man's watch for the past ten minutes. but of course, it would take a lot more than a look down for her to detour the male's view.

and before she knew it, she heard the familiar footsteps of approach. the burning nerves that spazzed in each of her control systems had her looking up immediately when the steps finally stopped.

she blinked, confused at his advance. wonderment crossing her face the instant she saw him pull up the chair across from her and take a seat in it, without her concession. an eyebrow lift all too soon but just in time for a smirk to rise on his face.

"i'm myungsoo."

` accusation | 183

she was at a loss for words, from what his eyes could see. obviously, who wouldn't.

sighing, he ran a lazy hand through the fringe that fell a centimeter or so before his eyes. "yeah, this one- it's yours." myungsoo raised the coffee cup, the name he thought, or at least, he expected to be hers scrawled behind his fingers. "and- that one," his index finger jabbed at the cup that was settled on the corner of the papers she was writing on.

turning the cup he had in his own hand, around- he scanned the name. murmuring it under his breath before taking peek upwards. "woori?"

her head nodded numbly, as if dumbfounded on the spot. her hand dropped the pen that was in her hand and reached over for the cup, eyes glazing over the name that was supposedly written on his cup.

and that was then he saw the flicker of recognition swirl through her features and the familiar form of an 'o' on her lips. the only he could do was nod and give a commendable, "yeah. that's me."

` restless | 297

the dial tone rang absently in her ear, eyes closed she pressed a few buttons. the memorized number already locked in her mind as her fingers dropped from the screen to press it against the shell of her ear.

the hazy ringing had her snuggling closer to her pillow. the terrorizing streaks of lightening and the frightening shrieks of thunder had her throwing her covers over her head, whimpers of terrified fears leaving her lips every few seconds. that is until the person on the other side of the phone finally picked up.

although yawning, they managed to mumble a sleepy, "hello- woori?"

a relieved smile spread across her face, her eyes opening to stare at the hood of the blanket fort she made for herself. "yeah, it's me." she couldn't even bother to sound sheepish or let alone, apologetic at this time.

"it's four in the morning, ri. what the hell are you doing up?"

she jumped, the strike of thunder shaking her room. each strike making her more antsy than the last.

"oh, i see."

woori could hear his own sigh filter through the phone line. "okay, just breath in- then out. keep doing that slowly."

she did what she was told. chest moving up and down in patient draws of air. in and out. in and out. the hum that was being heard from his side, muted the noise that was outside her window- keeping her mind off the terror of the storm.

"myungsoo?" her eyes blinked, she was now wide-awake. any trances of sleep that could have helped her soothe her mind further had left the moment he had picked up her call.

"yeah, ri?" came his direct reply, although slightly slow- she knew he wouldn't be falling asleep any time soon.


` snowflake | 242

"look, soo! snow!" eyes of the same clear auburn crinkled as her hands took his, pulling him straight out the door of the flower shop that had gone into minute prior, woori twirled. the tendrils of her newly dyed black hair following her every move before they came to rest against her jacket-clad shoulders.

"yeah, snow." he replied in his own rendition of monotone joy as his foot came in contact with the white fluff in a kick. the lump of snow rolling over none-too-enthusiastically.

silence came in return. myungsoo tilted his head over to her, chin resting snug into the crook of his circle scarf. woori had stopped moving and was now staring at him, eyes crinkled in confusion. mouth stretched in a firm line.


he watched her extend her arm to pat at his head. or more like, ruffle his hair. for the next few moments, he could feel her hand brushing against each and every hair on his head. the action making his body feel a warmth spread. one that was unusual for being in this cold weather.

and that was when her smile came through again, eyes creating their more familiar crescents that resembled the smile that was also making it's way onto her features.

"you had a pile of snowflakes on your head, soofus."

myungsoo could feel his eyes rolling before he snuck his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer. perhaps snow wasn't that bad.

` haze | 336

his hand blindly hit the rim of the steering wheel, frustrations reeking from every open pore on his body. "ugh, i can't see a fucking thing. can you?" his head turned to look beside him at the girl he had taken with him.

"nope, not a thing. the stupid fog doesn't seem to want to let up." a pout could be seen through the dim light within the car. her cheek rested numbly on the window, the cold etching itself into woori's cheek as she leaned away from her seat. the seat belt constricting against her chest stretching a bit until it locked.

"ugh, tell me again why you wanted to go out at midnight?" she asked, eyes looking away from the window now to glance over at him. "i mean- i don't mind but, please remind me."

myungsoo could only scoff, though more in amusement rather than mockery. "so- it's alright if you wake me up at two in the morning but when i get you at midnight, i need a reason?" he slowed down his driving and locked eyes with woori.

woori laughed, feeling lively for the first time since she had reawakened that night. "okay, in my defense- it was four in the morning and... and..." she tapped her fingers against the window's pane.

he chuckled, turning on the heat up higher in the vehicle, watching as the frost that had started to rise on the windows slowly decline into a mist. "and?"

she didn't answer, instead she stayed silent and huffed, eyes rolling whilst she leaned back in her chair.

the boy shook his head at her, laughing along with her silent treatment. "and woori, it was four in the morning but that still doesn't help your case." he couldn't help but add.

"okay fine, four but now, seriously. where are we going?"

the boy beside her smirked, eyes marveling in their own jest of joy. "well, for starters. we're going to get those french fry hotdogs."

and cue, her stomach grumbled.


` flame | 435

the flames sparked unexpectedly against her marshmallow, the heat coming from fire warming her cheeks. the pillows stacked up against her small frame upholding her leaning body. the movie that was playing on the screen on the mount of the wall sounded in soft tones- the actors speaking in distinct korean as they interacted.

in the depth of her ear, she could hear the distant clanging of cups in the kitchen. and the natural roll of her eyes coming once more. "yah! myungsoo, what did you do." it wasn't a question, it was more of a statement. leave it to her to leave him in the kitchen when he was completely useless.

"okay, i'm not quite sure but i think the hot chocolate might have burned me. no joke." myungsoo came into the room, hands cupped around two identical mugs of the steaming liquid. his entrance had her raising an eyebrow and standing from her position on the floor. dropping the pillows and blanket collage she made for herself, woori strolled over to take the cups from him and to set them down onto the coffee table.

she took his hands next to which his initial reflexive response was to pull away.

"what are y-"

the now-chestnut haired beaut glared, harshly yanking his hand towards her once again. "let me see it." looking from him to his hand, she let her pointer finger graze the reddening mark that decorated the side of the limb. "yup, i can see that you're fine. definitely. come on." tugging him down the hall towards the kitchen once more, she pushed him in.

"let's get some water on this, it'll heal it faster."

lifting the handle of the faucet, she bounced herself onto the counter beside the sink and dropped his hand under the running of cold water. watching carefully as it doused the reddened skin before turning off the water.

there came that predictable moment of silence once more.

"what?" she asked, looking at him as she dropped his hand from her grasp. toned legs swinging back and forth, bare soles tapping the wooden cupboards.

he stared at her, shaking his head as he cradled his hand against his chest. "what?"

woori shook her head, "don't tell me you want me to kiss it better."

that was when he smirked, lifting his hand to her lips.

it was a challenge and woori couldn't help but laugh, eyes crinkling before she leaned forward. the brightened flush that peeked at her cheeks had him raising an eyebrow and had her blinking away from his eye contact.

he didn't see that coming.

` formal | 306

woori blinked from her position near the door of her complex, hands resting strictly on her hips. "myungsoo, what are you doing here?"

he stared back at her, nonchalance written clearly across his haughty features. jaw tipped up at the slightest bit upwards as he smirked. "i have a key." the boy proved his point by lifting the silver jingling door-opener in the air, waving it before tucking it back into his pocket.

she frowned, "a key i gave you to use for emergencies."

myungsoo shrugged his shoulders, hand grazing his hair messily as he felt a laugh slip past his lips. his eyes grazed upwards to see her in a new dress. an eyebrow raised in curiousity, eyes narrowing in her direction. "hot date?"

"business meeting." she said rather curtly, hands fidgeting at the edge of now what felt like an overly too short hem. her answer had his other eyebrow raising.

"i didn't know business meetings ran this late."

woori felt a bit speechless. what could she say. this wasn't a very well...comfortable topic that she talked about him. hell, they never talked about relationships whenever they were together.

it was more of a 'keep-off' topic. one that in her opinion, at the moment, she'd rather not touch to save the awkward silence.

"alright, i'll go." he finally stood up, retrieving his jacket he had thrown off the moment he had entered; finding that after what felt like a moment too long of the stilled silence. it was his cue to leave.

woori smiled, hand turning the knob of her front door, helping him out as she followed a second after, key in hand to lock her door. "thank you."

and just as she was about to go, he moved to leave before her, face hidden by the shadows of the dimmed hallway.

` companion | 405

"aw, look at them- soo. they're so cute!"

myungsoo chuckled, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he walked over to stand behind his best friend. "they are, but why are you buying one?"

looking over her shoulder, she frowned, fingers raised to tuck strands of her auburn hair behind her ear. "because i'm lonely."

"lonely? but you have me." he smiled, hand grazing her head to ruffle her head. "just kidding, which one are you getting."

she let it slip this time, shielding her wary eyes as she turned around to point with her pinky finger at the window of a small blonde chihuahua. "this one." her smile curved higher when a worker came by to open the door of the compartment and handed her the small dog.

"i'll name him..." she tapped her finger thoughtfully against her chin as she felt the small pup in her hands lap at her cheek. woori giggled, eyes crinkling instinctively at the action as she looked over at myungsoo. "meelo, i'll name him meelo."

he felt his eyebrows come together, "meelo? like that bald kid in avatar?"

woori felt herself snort, eyes snapping towards him as she looked upon him in astonishment. "avatar? i think you mean legend of korra." she shook her head as she walked around the store once more as she picked out supplies to buy with the chihuahua.

"yeah- that girl. don't tell me you watch it." he laughed, resting his elbow against a shelf as he watched her pick up a pink leash before setting it down. "the dog is a boy, woori- need i remind you."

she rolled her eyes, "and so what if i do. and i know that. why else would i name him such a manly name if i didn't." scoffing, she found a nice ruby red leash and collar to match, handing it over to myungsoo to carry.

"and i do watch korra. every saturday morning. don't judge." woori clicked her tongue before striding past him, snuggling her new dog as she went off with a laugh.

"don't worry, this is definitely the face of a guy who isn't judging." myungsoo was able to say in between laughs.

"yah, mean. but whatever- myungsoo, meet meelo. my new companion." she pressed the dog's nose softly against myungsoo's with a laugh, watching in amusement when the dog sneezed and myungsoo's face immediately contorted into one of disgust.

"yah! meelo!"

` move | 445

woori fidgeted in her seat, hand moving around in the bowl of popcorn she had set in her lap. the white-cheddar dusted corn puffs crunching as she picked a few to pop in her mouth. the drama that was playing on the tv in front of the two changing to the next scene. her eyes were glued intensely to the screen, not even noticing that her company beside her was falling asleep every few seconds before shaking himself awake at the dip of his head to the palm of his hand.

myungsoo glanced over at the girl next to him, reaching over to grab a handful of the popcorn before he too shoved it into his mouth, chewing rather noisily while he set himself back into his slouched position, hand fisting into a loose grip while he leaned into it. eyes now watching the televised showing though not as intensely.

suddenly out of nowhere, and it wasn't because of what was happening on the show but in unison to it- myungsoo's arm slipped slyly from in between them. leaning back into a crooked angle as it bent over the headrest of the couch. okay, all was good. just a second more. you can do it. his mind chanted for his success.

edging his arm forward, he moved it behind woori, his own eyes looking at his arm's doing from the corner of the irises. he was doing it, he was doing it!

myungsoo could feel his lips curving into a smug grin when he suddenly blinked. his eyes locking with woori's.

oh shit.

"what are you doing?" her line of sight moved the chestnut orbs from his face to his arm that was now nestled against her neck. it took her a moment to think before she realized just what was happening here.

she shifted in her seat, setting the bowl of popcorn onto the coffee table as she sat to face him. "yah," a teasing smile settled on her face. "are you making a move on me?" she gasped, gratification written all over her feminine features. "oh my, you are!"

immediately he recoiled his arm and looked away, his ears burning red with embarrassment that he had to even reach over and cover them. myungsoo couldn't even find the words to deny it because what could he say? that he wasn't? that would have obviously been a clear lie and at the moment, there was no use lying to woori.

because, he was making a move on her.

"kim myungsoo, do you like me?"

she froze. woori finally understood. she didn't even need an answer from him to realize this.

"i-i like you too."

` silver | 315

tucking the fringe of her black hair behind her ear, myungsoo pulled back, body settling itself into the headboard of his bed as woori lay in his lap. of course, clothed- mind you. the covers strewn half-on and half-off the bed as she stared at the ceiling albeit sleepily although she was trying her hardest to refrain from falling into the depth of drowsiness.

"what are you thinking?" she glanced over at him, raising an eyebrow at his out-of-nowhere question.

woori twindled her fingers, tapping each of them against each other as she snuggled herself against his body, head still laying in his lap. "do you really want to know?"

he nodded, eyes shifting from the blank wall in front of him and down to her. "yeah, really."

the older girl chuckled, raising a hand to point at a side of his head where he could barely even see unless he was peering in a mirror. "you have some silver hairs growing riiiiiight there." her eyes crinkled when he unhesitatingly flickered his fingers against the place she had pointed out.

"well, that's no surprise." myungsoo remarked as he dropped the arm to sling across her waist.

a furrow instinctively brought her eyebrows together. "yah," she could even feel her lips pursing involuntarily. "what's that suppose to mean?"

he pinched her nose and leaned in to tap her forehead with a soft peck. "it means, you're a pain in my ass."

woori chuckled lowly, sitting up from his lap, sheets pooling around her waist. "you like it." she teased, poking his cheek as she leaned forward, arms winding around his shoulders.

"i love it." the unhesitant reply came suddenly, a bit too suddenly for the next second he went into panic mode. body freezing, smile sheepishly curving.

she too stopped, the only syllable she could feel pass her lips dropped the mood by a ten-fold.


fic : drabble, rainfinite, c : woori, c : myungsoo, pairing: l/woori, rainbow, pairing: myungsoo/woori, infinite

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