PMX overall was pretty fun. It's friends and the company around you that make a con memorable and worthwhile. Although I had a nice time, I'm thinking of skipping the con next year; I feel like the fashion events I anticipated fell short in its execution.
The Atelier Pierrot panel with Yuko Ashizawa was overall good, but it was awkward and bizarre at times. The panel host gave little introduction and only had one prepared question for her, then turned to the audience for questions. Most of us were stunned and didn't have time to come up with much, but questions here and there started sprouting while two PMX staffers in the back scrambled to prepare more questions for the host. Yuko is a pretty interesting person though! Her inspirations are mansions and antique furniture, and she's into large, American cars like Jeep. She answered all questions really well too, including her thoughts about replicas. She seems so humble and down to earth.
The fashion show was even more bizarre, to say the least. Yuko wasn't there to present her collection, and not many outfits were shown. The opening song was a fitting, dark classical piece. Once the show actually started,
Limp Bizkit: Hot Dog(thanks Liz for figuring out what song it was XD) + other heavy rock songs played as the music for the show; the whole music line-up was incredibly unfitting. After the show there was no official conclusion, except a PMX staff member jumping on stage and shouting that the show was over and thanked us for coming. I thought at least dolldelight would have a showing, and was kind of disappointed they didn't include her.
The best part of PMX for me was Cafe V. It was incredibly fun, since most of the butlers portray a character (and remain in character even off stage). The games were fun and interactive, and we had great service. The food was pretty tasty, and the peach iced tea was refreshing.
Cafe V, Matsu and I before AP's panel
Fun times, Gayle looking super cute + me looking kind of like a bum!
On another note, my brain feels like mush, mostly due to monopolizing my brain reading Facebook statuses, comments, etc. I definitely waste a lot of time there. FB is a nice tool to keep in contact with friends and talk about silly and fun things, but some (definitely not all!) acquaintances on FB share constantly negative updates, updates that are a bit TMI, passive aggressive's just not in good spirits. People can share whatever they'd like on their page, but...I don't know. I feel like a public, social media tool isn't really the appropriate place to confide in or use as a rage machine (that's just me though). We don't need to know how everyone's doing/feeling every single second; but, if that's the case why do I refresh the news feed so often then? Ugh...
I want to be more productive and use my time in a better way, like sewing projects, more video games, exercise, reading, taking care of myself better- not being a bum. I bought a couple of books recently that I'm excited about:
The Night Circus,
A History of the World in 100 Objects Also picked up How I Met Your Mother Season 5 (currently own 1-4); I love that show! I was debating about getting a Kindle to save space and money as well... but there's just something special about the smell of actual books, and being able to see and feel the progress of how much you've read.