Title: Open the Door Characters: Rei, among others. :) A/N: Based on a line of the Catherine Carswell novel Open the Door, "what they had was not love. But it had beauty and it served." elvisvf101 , thank you for your helpful suggestions.
I LOVE the way you set them up. With him as her father's assistant and all ready to become just like him and then she shakes him up so completely with just one look.
And the way that you can see how nicely they fit together, and maybe it's not love, but it's comfortable and easy and it works.
She recounted how the man was never without a cigarette in his hand, how he was so cheeky that he almost made her blush under the thick powder on her cheeks and how she couldn’t wait to go back to him.
Aw man. Aw MAN.
Rei, smiling, looked to her left and found her husband gone: he had always been able to move noiselessly.
Did he maybe leave because he felt something for Minako?
She made the right choice, she knows that, has known it every day since their wedding. Sometimes she thinks that Minako doesn’t agree and neither does Mamoru, but Rei doesn’t care.
On one hand, I want to feel happy for Rei, that she feels good about her place, but on the other, rereading this makes me wonder if it will last.
I LOVE the way you set them up. With him as her father's assistant and all ready to become just like him and then she shakes him up so completely with just one look. Kunzite can be quite ambitious, I think, even more so when he's not emotionally tied to Endymion or to another person. So until he saw Rei, there was only his career on his mind, but then he discovered that life can and should be more, so he makes a change, and it's a fast and hard and complete one.
Did he maybe leave because he felt something for Minako? Woa, flying pink elephants in the sky! Quick, look out. Suitably distracted? ;D
On one hand, I want to feel happy for Rei, that she feels good about her place, but on the other, rereading this makes me wonder if it will last. Well, he wouldn't leave her and she wouldn't leave him, they're married and they're happy, but he knows and she fears that there might be something else out there for them. But they do want to stay together, they share a life and a vocation and that counts for a lot.
I feel your smugness. Although I'm on to you now--you had me going for a bit, but then I read:
He wore his hair long now
his solemn and respectful manner
a delicate tea cup in his strong hands
He had returned because they were one and the same
And I went WAIT I SENSE SHENANIGANS HERE. And then you threw out this giant flashing light just to confirm it:
when silver replaced black
And then I flailed a bit.
Suitably distracted?
NO. >:[
Well, he wouldn't leave her and she wouldn't leave him, they're married and they're happy, but he knows and she fears that there might be something else out there for them. But they do want to stay together, they share a life and a vocation and that counts for a lot.
HMMM you make a solid point, there. Neither is the cheating type. Except for Serenity, amiright?
And then I flailed a bit. Well, I love it when you do that. And you're good, you picked up on all the little hints!
NO. >:[ To turn the angry face into a happy one, let me confirm your theory. Yes, he does feel something for Minako and he's not willing to listen to her stories about another man even though he himself is married to one of her best friends.
HMMM you make a solid point, there. Neither is the cheating type. Except for Serenity, amiright? *grins* Indeed, you are.
I think I've just started to catch on that you are NOT TO BE TRUSTED. Or more accurately, that you NEVER go the obvious route.
I actually really love this. I love how what they have might not be love but it's a strong bond nonetheless. It's comfortable, it's respectful, it's worth holding on to. It says so much about their respective characters that they're exactly the same in all the most important ways.
I LOVE the way you set them up. With him as her father's assistant and all ready to become just like him and then she shakes him up so completely with just one look.
And the way that you can see how nicely they fit together, and maybe it's not love, but it's comfortable and easy and it works.
She recounted how the man was never without a cigarette in his hand, how he was so cheeky that he almost made her blush under the thick powder on her cheeks and how she couldn’t wait to go back to him.
Aw man. Aw MAN.
Rei, smiling, looked to her left and found her husband gone: he had always been able to move noiselessly.
Did he maybe leave because he felt something for Minako?
She made the right choice, she knows that, has known it every day since their wedding. Sometimes she thinks that Minako doesn’t agree and neither does Mamoru, but Rei doesn’t care.
On one hand, I want to feel happy for Rei, that she feels good about her place, but on the other, rereading this makes me wonder if it will last.
Har, you should see my smug face right now.
I LOVE the way you set them up. With him as her father's assistant and all ready to become just like him and then she shakes him up so completely with just one look.
Kunzite can be quite ambitious, I think, even more so when he's not emotionally tied to Endymion or to another person. So until he saw Rei, there was only his career on his mind, but then he discovered that life can and should be more, so he makes a change, and it's a fast and hard and complete one.
Did he maybe leave because he felt something for Minako?
Woa, flying pink elephants in the sky! Quick, look out. Suitably distracted? ;D
On one hand, I want to feel happy for Rei, that she feels good about her place, but on the other, rereading this makes me wonder if it will last.
Well, he wouldn't leave her and she wouldn't leave him, they're married and they're happy, but he knows and she fears that there might be something else out there for them. But they do want to stay together, they share a life and a vocation and that counts for a lot.
He wore his hair long now
his solemn and respectful manner
a delicate tea cup in his strong hands
He had returned because they were one and the same
And I went WAIT I SENSE SHENANIGANS HERE. And then you threw out this giant flashing light just to confirm it:
when silver replaced black
And then I flailed a bit.
Suitably distracted?
NO. >:[
Well, he wouldn't leave her and she wouldn't leave him, they're married and they're happy, but he knows and she fears that there might be something else out there for them. But they do want to stay together, they share a life and a vocation and that counts for a lot.
HMMM you make a solid point, there. Neither is the cheating type. Except for Serenity, amiright?
Well, I love it when you do that. And you're good, you picked up on all the little hints!
NO. >:[
To turn the angry face into a happy one, let me confirm your theory. Yes, he does feel something for Minako and he's not willing to listen to her stories about another man even though he himself is married to one of her best friends.
HMMM you make a solid point, there. Neither is the cheating type. Except for Serenity, amiright?
*grins* Indeed, you are.
I actually really love this. I love how what they have might not be love but it's a strong bond nonetheless. It's comfortable, it's respectful, it's worth holding on to. It says so much about their respective characters that they're exactly the same in all the most important ways.
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