Title: Clay Figurines and Cigarettes A/N: A story about two great friends for two great friends. Dear charliechaplin2, dear ellorgast: happy (belated) birthday.
The details, for one. Oh my dear, the details. And I'm not just talking about the places they visit which are wonderfully precise and descriptive without feeling like you're giving us a history lesson. It's the things like the Carebear tummy pictures, the Greek v Turkish cigarettes, the OFI Greece, the sunglasses, Umino's lack of artistic talent, the boat being rickety... oh my Lord, the boat being rickety XD how funny was that?!
You blend the angst with the humor flawlessly, from calling Umino a walking-talking strawberry (I laughed out loud with that line!!!), the ever worsening sunburn, the sweet, adorable antics of Mina (Takeshi in pink shirts is brilliant, I might add) and the practically married/life-partners relationship of Ando and Umino (sunscreen on each others' backs? Sleeping in the same bed? Doing work at 5am to spend more time with Umino? Awwww!!!!!) to talking about how Ando really, really wishes he could be as close to Takeshi, Mamoru and Hirmasa as he once was (which of course, made me want to hug him). Then there's is Rei. Rei who he writes constantly to. Everything he sees and does reminds him of her. Naturally, I wanted to hug him a second time.
This was wonderful, Lytton. So awesome. I love how you write adorable comedy. I loved that ending. And I loved that the sunburn turned into a perfect tan.
Ando and his cigarette blog, that's high literature right there. I am glad you enjoyed this, my love. Sometimes I think that in all of Airmailverse, Ando/friends is the one true big love story. These people are just meant to be with each other.
The details, for one. Oh my dear, the details. And I'm not just talking about the places they visit which are wonderfully precise and descriptive without feeling like you're giving us a history lesson. It's the things like the Carebear tummy pictures, the Greek v Turkish cigarettes, the OFI Greece, the sunglasses, Umino's lack of artistic talent, the boat being rickety... oh my Lord, the boat being rickety XD how funny was that?!
You blend the angst with the humor flawlessly, from calling Umino a walking-talking strawberry (I laughed out loud with that line!!!), the ever worsening sunburn, the sweet, adorable antics of Mina (Takeshi in pink shirts is brilliant, I might add) and the practically married/life-partners relationship of Ando and Umino (sunscreen on each others' backs? Sleeping in the same bed? Doing work at 5am to spend more time with Umino? Awwww!!!!!) to talking about how Ando really, really wishes he could be as close to Takeshi, Mamoru and Hirmasa as he once was (which of course, made me want to hug him). Then there's is Rei. Rei who he writes constantly to. Everything he sees and does reminds him of her. Naturally, I wanted to hug him a second time.
This was wonderful, Lytton. So awesome. I love how you write adorable comedy. I loved that ending. And I loved that the sunburn turned into a perfect tan.
Also. Cigarette blog. Oh, Ando. XD
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