(no subject)

Feb 14, 2007 02:24

mmmhm. I don't know. It's my sister's birthday. She's officially old. and there is a big calc test tommorrow (by that I mean today)  that
I was supposed to be studying for. Instead I started this. First part of a larger idea roughly based on the song Judy by the Pipettes. Yeah, I know, but maja is way hotter than indeterminate forms.

It was fifth period. Fifth period lunch/study. Or really, for Greta it was fifth period: study/lunch, but she hated the way that stuck to her tongue.
    It was run by one of those teachers who liked to pretend it was a real class. Like when Greta had asked to go to the nurse she was legitimately sick and not just sitting under the stairwell writing secrets in the spaces that no one realized were back there.
    Mrs. Zimmerman. Not married, but too old to be Miss and too oldfashioned to be Ms. The type that like to call roll and make them sit alphabetically. In study hall.
    She had called her Gretel, too. Gretel, as in Hansel and. It made Greta cringe and blush, but she didn’t correct her, she just said “Yes, ma’am?” in that way she hadn’t grown out of yet.
    “Would you be a dear and go check on Miss Ivarsson for me?”
    Maja. Maja had spent every study period that quarter in the “bathroom.” She came in, always on time, smiled charmingly, and in broken English asked if she could be excused to the lay-deez, please? Mrs. Zimmerman thought she was a “lovely girl” with “such good english.”
    Greta knew the truth though. She read what they wrote on the insides of the stalls in the lay-deez. Maja wasn’t lovely, she was ‘slutty,’ not a girl, but a ‘cunt whore,’ with nothing more than ‘an std-ridden pussy.’
    It’s not like Greta wrote that kind of shit, she just stared at it every time she took a piss.
    Either way, the last thing Greta wanted to be was a dear if it meant bursting Mrs. Zimmerman’s pathetic bubble when she had to tell her there wasn’t anyone at all in the girl’s bathroom.
    But these aren’t the kind of things you get out of. So Greta smiled and took a hallpass, leaving the door open as she left for the girl’s room.
    Greta had expected the terrible pepto bismal shaded tiles, the stale bathroom smell, the graffitied stall doors. What she didn’t expect was the lean blonde perched on the sill hanging a cigarette out the bathroom window.
    Greta stood just at the door of the bathroom, looking at Maja, who cocked an eyebrow and flicked bleach blonde bangs out of her eyes.
    “Can I help you?” Perfect English. Just for the record.
    “Uh. Mrs. Zimmerman wanted me to check on you.”
    Maja brought the cigarette to her lips and fixed her eyes on Greta in a disinterested manner. Smokily, “And?”
    Greta flustered and for an insane few seconds felt extremely nervous before she realized, “And nothing... I guess.” She turned to leave.
    “Hey.” Greta turned back to Maja uncrossing her legs (Greta caught the flash of white underneath the short jean shorts), flicking her cigarette into a sink, and hopping down from the sill. She was probably the first person to ever make that look smooth. “Don’t go back to class.”
    For a few more insane seconds, Greta wondered why Maja wanted her to stay, and came up with an embarrassing amount of embarrassing theories. “Mrs. Zimmerman will ask you where I am.”
    Oh. “Oh.” Maja walked up to where Greta stood in front of the door. “Okay.” Maja opened the door and passed through. "No problem."
    The door swung shut heavily, propelling a breeze of hallway air onto Greta’s face. That was annoying, because she couldn’t very well walk out after Maja without looking like she was following her (highly undesirable), but she really had no reason to be in the bathroom anymore.
    So Greta went over to the sink that Maja had abandoned her cigarette in, grasped the butt delicately between her thumb and forefinger, and flushed it in the closest stall. Then she washed her hands for three minutes before deciding sufficient time had passed.
    Greta spent the rest of the period in the stairwell, sharpie uncapped, but unable to think of the words.
I really am a sucker for greta/maja. It's funny, because it's like they got thrown together just because they're the only two girls in the fandom. But really. Maja all short and foreign and angular and bombshelly and Greta soft around the edges and sweet and midwestern and a huge dork. They would be an excellent couple. Plus they're just so fucking hot.
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