so. yeah. insomnia, wtf?
i hadn't seen
fob on one tree hill til just now, on youtube. and zomgz... it's so horrifying. i tried to watch it twice, but just couldn't. i cringed and had to turn it off.
pete wentz acting, who the fuck was the genius who thought of that one?
especially when patrick is the one who is clearly bursting with acting potential. fucking a, we've seen him in bedussey. even his one line on the show was delivered better than half of the actual actors on one tree hill could do.
all this just furthers my new theory that once this whole fob things pans out, patrick should go on broadway. (this theory, of course, began with the video of his '
sekrit voice warmups')
oh yah, and a hot girl like peyton being into a little weenie weemo like pete? yah fucking right. that girl's so hot, she should only fuck herself.
i think i'll slap that on a postcard.
(jk, jk!)
in other news: i hate myself. *thumbs*