Jun 05, 2005 22:00
hey everybody...whatcha up 2? n2m here just chilling at brentney's house but newayz~we r having a pretty good time!!! last night was fun until i went to bed...me whitney and jessie went putt putting but then jessie left so me and whitney went go karting...she only beat me cuz my car totally sucked!!! i was going full throttle and i couldnt catch up!!! i wouldve so beat her if my car was better!
but newayz~i cried myself to sleep last night...i was texting whitney and fell asleep on her...i cried like i have never cried before!! its not just one thing if a certain person is wanting to know, its just a build up! it sucks to know that u are laying there in pain when there is somewhere im this world where i can go and all of my problems go away and i dont hurt!!! im going to try and go to this place for a couple of weeks this summer...i hope the person will let me come! i wana go somewhere by myself so i can think about all the shit in my life...some of yall might understand what im going through but idk...i just wana run until i cant run anymore! life is so hard right now but i know i will make it, i just have to try....
but newayz~im going to go ttyl
love ya much~Lindsey!