Feeling Pretty Good

Jul 16, 2012 22:24

Don't have too much to say today. I'm in pretty good spirits, and I was able to talk to a former coworker I hadn't talked to in months. It was a really great conversation. I called because I thought of her, and I knew she'd be happy to hear that I've "picked up" running as an activity (she is/was a runner). I knew she'd also be interested in hearing about my trip to Israel... either way, we ended the conversation in prayer and we both were really encouraged.

It's interesting. She and I rarely talk (maybe once or twice a year), but I feel close to her. I definitely see her as a maternal figure in my life, and I appreciate that. I guess that was the benefit of life right after college... although I had no Christian friends my age, I had a lot of spiritual moms/big sisters. Just when I needed them, too. God knows.

Anyway, I want do to a quick progress report on my bucket list:

Run a half marathon OR complete a triathlon
DONE. Not doing the tri, but I think I might (seriously) consider it for next year.

Be a "model" in a photo shoot
DONE. Definitely out of my comfort zone, but it was really fun and pics came out pretty cool.

Pay off at least one student loan
In Progress. My Perkins loan will be paid off by the end of next month. AMEN!!

Go on at least 2 trips to places where there is a beach nearby
DONE. I initially considered Savannah and Costa Rica as my two places. I did go to Savannah (love that place), but in order to pay off my student loans on time, I decided to hold off on Costa Rica (or Puerto Rico or Miami or any other nice destination). As luck would have it, though, there is a GORGEOUS beach in Tel Aviv, so I did fulfill my 2nd trip.

Perform in front of an audience
DONE. I performed at Leo's wedding, but in May, I played the violin and sang (huh?!? who really asked me to do that??) at another friend's wedding.

Read through the entire Old Testament
In progress, but going more slowly than I am happy with. I think I should be able to finish by December if I am diligent.

Attend at least one local sports event--preferably basketball
I haven't even attempted this yet. Since basketball season is over, I guess I'll have to do baseball. :-\

Write poetry and attempt to publish it
I'd like to strike this one from the record books. lol Or perhaps, just postpone this one for next year.

So, aside from reading the Old Testament, I'm pretty pleased with the progress of my goals. Having these goals have definitely helped me to grow into a new person. I would have never thought to dream I would even do these things one day. Definitely a confidence builder, but, at the same time, I know it's all God showing me that I shouldn't limit myself. Here's to having an abundant life in my 30s!

inspiration, way of living

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