Blessings and Randomness

Sep 24, 2005 13:51

I am so glad to hear that Rita has gone down to a category 1, but I still thinking and praying for those affected. I am hopeful that I come back to Houston with a home to come to.

When I say I hurricane-proofed my apartment, I hurricane-proofed that mess. Like, it's gonna take me days to get it back to how it originally was. Adrenaline is a hell of a hormone.

I am happy that I got to see my family, because I didn't know when I'd be able to get back. My youngest sister, Kristine, is my height now. This girl is 12. Taller than Aileen. Significantly enough that you can clearly see it. She's gonna be taller than me.

Really, I don't think I've really breathed since Tuesday night. For real, though, I really appreciate you guys and your well wishes. Sometimes, I forget that people do care about me beyond the superficial level. ::hugs to everyone::

Speaking of which, my mother IS love. Despite her flaws, she LOVES me, and it has been shown to me clearly now more than ever. I don't know if I even have that capacity to love. Then again, I don't have children.

Random story: I was really blessed at the airport. There was NO line for check-in and security for my airline (Delta). Southwest was literally out the door. Anyway, I was SO upset at the airport, and who do I see to my left? Evander Hollifield (sp).

My sisters make me laugh. Pictures make me laugh. I'm gonna have to scan some pics for you guys.

Aileen: "I heard that physicists make a lot of money because no one wants to be one. Maybe I'll be a physicist."
Linda: "No one wants to be a doodoo picker upper. Why don't you be that?"
Mom: "Your daddy was a physicist." (He really was. LOL)

1. I REALLY like Kelly Clarkson's songs. I would buy the CD.
2. I like Fantasia, too. I have her CD.
3. I have a lot of self doubts. About many aspects of my life.
4. I save a LOT of things. For example, Ebony, I still have your email you sent to me before I went to Houston to teach. :o) It warms my heart.
5. I am afraid of fire.
6. I was on "Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego?"
7. I am very loosely related to Wyclef Jean. lol (By marriage/baby) I used to say that Wyclef is my cousin. LOL
8. I used to think that Busta Rhymes was SEXY. Not attractive, but something about him was sexy.
9. I think I may have a fear of committment. Not in relationships necessarily, but making final decisions on important things in my life.
10. Although I don't think I'm gorgeous or anything, I have a tendency to stare at pictures of me for a long time. Almost like, "Is this how I really look like?"
11. At Columbia, I used to have asthma in the springtime because of my seasonal allergies.
12. I wear glasses 99.9999% of the time, but for pictures, I take them off.
13. Abena, my middle name, means "Female born on Tuesday."
14. Somehow, I have a Ghanaian accent. I have never been to Ghana, and I can't speak Twi.
15. I miss college life. I even miss researching and typing papers.
16. I really don't know what I want to do with my life. I don't know if I will be accepted into med school.
17. I don't remember the last time I cried, but I was really close on Thursday.
18. Houston has really grown on me.
19. People say that Aileen looks EXACTLY like me, but I don't really see it.
20. I wish I looked more like my mother. I don't look like either of my parents.... or rather, I don't favor either one more.

I forgot to tell you. My cell phone is broken. I am going to get a new one before I leave NJ. I gotta give Tari a shout out, cuz she told me to write down people's numbers just in case. Thank you so much, Tari. I don't have everyone's number, though.


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