Jul 26, 2005 08:28
I tried to call my home phone number today and it was disconnected. That's how I kind of feel about fc now. completely disconnected, I can try and call but I'll never get through to the same person, the same line again. so much happened to me, to all of my friends in that house. so many firsts, so many lasts. I'm excited about my mom's new job, I'm happy for her and maggie but at the same time, I'm turning twenty this weekend and I can't go home anymore. I don't have a bedroom at the new place, I don't even know the address or how to get there. I've become such a nester, just kind of spreading my suitcase and stuff wherever I can at the moment, but I always know that I'll have to pack up and leave in a few weeks or months. I just can't sit still. I have the ADD of life.