Jul 25, 2005 22:39
Yes, everyone, the Wicked Witch inside of Laura's soul is DEAD! THANK THE LORD ABOVE! Right?
Let's just let it be known, that my journal is no longer 'Friend's Only.' I was just over-reacting to some drama, but it's all over:-)
Life is going well!
Can you believe school starts up again next Friday? Well, atleast for everyone who'll be walking the halls of LBHS! I got a letter in the mail from the school, and it HIT me--RIGHT IN THE FACE! This summer FLEW by! It's time to put the party-animals in all of us to rest, and buckle down hard to our school work...YUCK... It just seems like I was DRY-HEAVING over finals last week, and now, it's time to start all over..
H- Homework Overload!
I- Intense Drama!
G- Gramm"ER" is for Nerds, haha!
H- Hallway Hunks!
S- Sports Events!
C- Cliques, Nuff'said!
H- Hell!
O- Over Slept!
O- Office Referrals!
L- Lip Gloss Touch-ups!
These are just a few things I think of, when I think of High School...ahh, the memories! hahaha!
Well, It's getting late, and Laura's got a big day tomorrow!
For all of you that last posted, I promise to add you all to my Friend's List!! Trust my, i've been thinking about you, but I haven't forgotten! I LOVE YOU ALL!!
LJ Love Slave,
Laura Lee