In honor of Black History Month, I will post a quote everyday of the month in my LJ, GJ and Xanga and a couple of facts about the author. Or maybe just a fact.
My first quote was "Fortune favors the bold." It's been accredited to Virgil. But I'm not sure if he was so African descent. But anyway, the quote can be applied to black pioneers such as Madame CJ Walker, she started her own hair care product line.
Second quote: I swear to the Lord
I still can't see
Why Democracy means
Everybody but me - "The Negro Speaks Of Rivers" by Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes was born on February 1, 1902 and died on May 22, 1967.
First published The Weary Blues in 1926.
Best known for his poem a "Montage of Dream Deferred"
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