(no subject)

Jul 17, 2006 16:05

Haru's Play Quirks

Where can you find me? 99% of the time, if you send me an email to harukami[at]gmail[dot]com, I will get it within twenty minutes. Usually within a FEW minutes. The only time I WON'T is if my email or internet is inexplicably down or the power's out (rare, has pretty much not lasted longer than a few hours if so) or if I am doing this rare and mysterious "sleep" thing, at which point I'll get your email within ten minutes of waking up. So probably about four to eight hours after you send it. I am also totally fine being left comments in any of my RP journals' entries or in my normal journal (harukami) and get those with about the same speed. I am NOT generally okay with sharing my AIM openly, not because I don't want to talk with you but because if I'm on AIM, I'm usually talking with four or five people and juggling another window gives me a headache. That said, some of you may have it, or I may have given it to you; if you DO have it, feel free to IM me even if I don't seem to be online, since I'm also lurking in invisible mode pretty much always, and I'm generally quite happy to talk. I can also be found on IRC, usually under 'Marluxia', 'Umeda', 'Hakkai', or 'Kubota', since I usually pick whatever nick I find easiest to interact in right then. (I know, I know, weird.)

When can you find me? ....I'd be glib and say always, but. XD I am usually either at the computer, or in the near vacinity of the computer and able to use it starting from somewhere between 1 pm EST-3 pm EST, and am around or on until between 4 am EST to 8 am EST. If I am up past 7 am please yell at me to go to bed. ...I'll work that number back to 4 am regularly again soon I swear. Anyway, I pretty much sleep from 5/6 to noon/two on a regular basis, so don't expect me around that time. Any other time I'm generally around, though I may have gone out to hang with friends or whatever.

Contact me? YES. Even if I'm on semi-hiatus with a friend over, if you want me for a thread, PLEASE contact me -- because I'd probably want to play but am just not refreshing my friendslist to see the post, or haven't noticed the thread, or whatever. If I'm not up for something, I'll tell you, it's cool. :) Contact me any time, over ANYTHING.

Dropped Threads? I try not to do this, honestly. If I make a post, I try to drive every thread either until the conversation seems to end or until the other person stops replying. In OTHER people's posts, I'm far more likely to miss a notification and/or forget to reply, so feel free to poke me. If I DO drop your thread, it's because a) I feel the conversation's ended, or b) I got called out/distracted and forgot. Again, poke me if you want more! I may say no (see: being distracted) but usually I'll be glad to. In the case of a "continue next day" scnario, I may need poking again, because I can get pretty forgetful when I've actually managed to sleep a little.

Patterns of play -- don't you love [character X] anymore? I can guarantee that if I haven't dropped them, I still love them and want to play them. My patterns of who I want to play at any given time goes in waves. For example, Umeda! I got him in as the one I planned to keep on the back burner, and for a long time ,he WAS that. He rarely posted, he threaded now and then, he was THERE but not overwhelmingly active. And then, some time later and for some reason, for a period of about a month, I wanted to play him all the time. SO I did! Eventually, that faded and I wanted to play Hakkai more agian, so I did that! Usually, the patterns you'll see will go something like this:
* Haru gets a new character in, and she plays that character really actively for a period of a few weeks
* Character goes on back burner while Haru picks up one she'd played less during that period
* Haru cycles through preferences vaguely for a while, then REALLY WANTS TO PLAY THAT CHARACTER ALL THE TIME AGAIN.
I've done it with Umeda and Hakkai; Kubota's quiet enough I haven't quite with him yet but I expect to; Marluxia's new enough I can't tell yet, but it happened with some of my old ones too.
My current order of 'I want to play them right now!' is 1) Marluxia (new), 2) Umeda (RANDOMLY IN THE MOOD), and 3/4) Hakkai and Kubota (tied). I still WANT to play them all, and will when I see relevant bits, and the cycle will chagne soon enough, but that's the current standings.
If you want to play with a certain character, just ask. I may say no, being either too busy or not in the mindset to play them right (given that I tend to play crazies, I think that's valid XD) ... but I'll probably say yes. :)

My biggest problem? - Laziness. I am honestly terribly lazy at times, and this is why I ask you poke me when you see me if you want to play. I won't mind, and it'll stop me from doing the "Ahh, I'll comment in a bit./ Ah, I'll post later" -- FIVE HOURS LATER... thing. I promise, it's cool.

Anything else? - If you want to see anything OOC -- a character essay or whatever! Feel free to ask. I love rambling about my characters, because I love all four of them very, very much, and I'm always up for rambling on a certain topic. I love to essay! And I swear I will not bite your head off.

Are you sure you won't bite my head off? Absolutely. I am not by nature an angry person; I'm pretty easy-going. I'M CHILL IT'S GOOD. I can get irritable if someone's pushing past the time I've asked them to stop, but most of the time I'm sort of "Hahhhhhokay!" about things. I CAN get genuinely angry, but it is very, very rare, and I would be seriously surprised if you saw it aimed at you more than once. And even then, I don't tend to hold grudges. I don't think I've felt hate towards anyone here. Frustration, sure -- who doesn't, sometimes? but I get over that and even if we've had differences, I'm chill with chatting with you or being poked for RP or essays or anything. Don't be shy; I swear I'm cool about these things. ♥
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