metempsyche twitter entry

Mar 18, 2010 21:25

I've been a bibliophile all my life. There are a ton of things about books that attracted me to them when I was younger, but the three key elements to my obsession that fascinated me then and keep me reading now are words, imagery, and story. Those three things are the reason why I am so interested in Green. What struck me the most the first time I read the teasers for Green is how well-written they were. I really enjoyed the flow of Hayley's writing and the imagery she created in the few sentences and paragraphs pulled me in immediately. I was blown away by how engaging and wonderful I found the story just from the teasers.

I'm really interested in each of the characters in the Metempsyche universe since it sounds like there are so many of them with great backstories. I'd especially like to learn more about Lindy. Finding out how she came to be the universe and the experiences she's had and will have is going to be an incredible ride. I mean, I thought I had stress in my life. Being the entire universe, that can't be an easy responsibilitiy to have. Also, the love story between her and Daniel, who sounds yummy, is like the cherry on the triple brownie hot fudge sundae that is the Metempsyche world. Green's got everything.

I've only just started reading books with otherworldly elements or themes in the last five years. I was late to hop on the Harry Potter train, but I was very intrigued by Green right off the bat. A surprising amount of that is because of the mythical and supernatural elements and characters. I haven't read much supernatural YA literature, but for me, this is like nothing like anything else out there. I love that the different kinds of supernatural creatures in the story are both familiar and foreign. They share similiarities with the archetypes they're based on, but the role they play in the Metempsyche world helps set them apart. If all of the characters are half as interesting as Peter and Sean from Tribocharge, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Green!
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