
Jul 04, 2011 01:41

 So my family is in China and they've left me behind. It's because I just started a new job and I wasn't sure if it looked bad to go on vacation so soon after I started... therefore I didn't even ask to go on vacation.

I feel kind of left out because I feel that this was the trip I was looking forward to for so many years :(. Oh well, right now I'm spending time with family that I don't usaully get to see very often. In a way, it's nice being able to see my family's different households. It's like trying out families. LOL. I actually find it quite refreshing to be with out them (oops... xD).

Anyway, my family will be back soon enough and hopefully they bring me back some nice souvenirs!

I just played a lot of Xbox Kinnect tonight, so I'm going to sleep now. Oh, and HAPPY JULY 4th to you Americans! :) 


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