A very much needed life update.

Aug 19, 2009 00:12

 First, I would like to say "sorry" for my negligence of this journal.

Well, summers ending (i'm so sorry for not updating, but livejournal just isn't a priority anymore with school/internships/part-time jobs). But by no means am I abandoning livejournal, because i still love all the communities. I'm still going to occasionally spazz and update, it just won't be regularly (not like it was before lol).

So anyway, here's what i did this summer:
  • Make my resume, portfolio, cover letters
  • Go to job interviews
  • Interning at a marketing/design company in NYC 3 days a week
  • Working at my local part-time job 3 days a week
  • Going to a black and white traditional film photography class every saturday
  • Seeing a psychologist once a week (just because i always wanted to try one to get rid of deep seeded emotions *sigh*)
  • Hanging with friends occasionally
  • Watching movies like: The Ugly Truth, The Proposal, can't remember anymore.....
  • Shopping and spending money in Soho!!!!
  • Got a new Macbook Pro 15' , the Adobe programs, and Microsoft Office
  • Discovered cool new j-pop artists like: ayaka and mihimaru GT
  • Discovered that the "real world" is HARD
  • Figured out that maybe I'm not cut out for graphic design and maybe even Pratt Institute (my college)
  • Opened up to some people

Oh yes, a hectic summer it has been. But i'm very proud of it. Usually i don't do anything and am lazy and don't even hang with friends. Well, this time they actually wanted to hang and I got to gain a lot of job experience!

What I need to work on now is getting rid of my shyness and actually talking to people and making more friends. In school, I am painfully shy.... and i have yet to go clubbing, partying or any of that. I'm socially behind, but i hope to catch up.... soon.

****This really needs an update.... -_-;;;;;; i need a new layout, new prof banner, new ICONS. suggestions?


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