Recent news....

Mar 26, 2008 19:56

Sorry I haven't been updating for awhile now.... for about a month. Art school has been crazy and sucks time away like crazy T.T.

Anyway, just as an update, I'm going to AnimeNEXT in June! I might even get a table for Artists Alley, so I'm really excited :D. However, I've never gotten a table before, so I'm kinda scared. Plus, I don't even have any good friends going with me to watch the table for me. What should I do?! Well, to ease my fears, I looked online for some advice on selling at conventions and I got some very good info. Nevertheless, it kinda makes me even more scared though, because I am going to have to try to talk to as much people as possible into buying my stuff. I'm a really shy and pessimisstic person, so I'm a little worried >.>. I asked my friend though, and she said I should do it even if it's just for the practice of selling my art. But anyway, my drawings aren't the only thing I'm going to sell (because I know my drawings aren't good enough to get much much $$).

Things I may be selling:
-prints of my drawings (original art because I suck at fanart... would this even sell?)

Does anyone have experience they can share or even just an opinion? Should I do this at all?!? :O... maybe i should wait for another convention when I can get a friend to share the table with me.... Ah, i need help >_<.

anime convention, rambling

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