Tiredness is making my bones weak

May 05, 2007 11:25

Oh wow, i babysat yesterday from 4:00 to 1:00 in the morning!!! Darn I'm tired!! ---_---;; And i can never go to sleep without settling down first, so i actually went to bed at like...  3:00. My whole body feels stiff. It's weird.

Anyway, AP week is coming up! I have my 1st AP exam on Monday, which is the French one. Thursday is my English Lit exam and then the following thursday is AP World History. GAHH! must study. but..... *_* (glint) i'm going to the carnival today at 6:30 xD. yay! haven't been there in like, 6 years! oh wow, i'm excited~ though the rides probably stink. hhahahh~

Oh, and movies i REALLY want to watch (i'm a movie freak):
-Lovely Complex 
-Spiderman 3 ♥
-Shrek 3.....?
-NOT really Pirates of the Carribbean 3 but.... maybe

wow, a lot of trilogies ne?

Movies i recently watched and recommend:
-The Prestige (confusing but very good)
-Dragon: the life of Bruce Lee (?): saw it while babysitting xD
-Night at the Museum (SOO funny... after the dumb beginning)

PS - expect a lacus fanart soon....

exams, movies, rambling

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