May 27, 2009 02:52
How many places huh? Let's see I lived in four cities...well actually one of them is more like a town. O.o Being a military brat I've lived in a lot of places...I lived in two apartments and two townhouses in Havelock N.C during the first six years of my life, two apartments in Okinawa Japan, I lived in another crappy townhouse in Havelock N.C before moving to an apartment in Woodbridge V.A, then when my dad retired from the marines, we moved to this nice house in Dumfries V.A for about a year....then we moved to Havelock again and lived in a kind of nice house for a we're in this tiny house in New Bern. *Raises eyebrow* I think the funnest place we lived in was the apartment we lived out in town in Okinawa. I say it was fun because my sister and I had this bad habit, of scaring the living hell out my father whenever he came home by popping out from behind one of the sliding doors. *Laughs evilly at the memory* My favorite place was the other apartment in the same place. XD I liked it because the neighborhood was nice and since we lived in such a high apartment, I was able to see a nice view and see the sunrise off of the sea. My least favorite...I think it was the last townhouse we lived in, in Havelock. For on the house was old as dirt and for two the memories I have in that house are kind of nothing interesting really happend there. It was really boring.
writer's block