Title: A Lovely Truce
demon_rays Raiting: PG-13
Characters: Gackt, Hyde, You
Summary: Ever since Gackt and Hyde became a couple, Gackt's lover and best friend grew to be vicious enemies, will they gain some form of civility before they drive Gackt insane?
Requested by:
larkir , one of the five people from my first ten meme.
Disclaimer: They belong to themselves
Gackt sighed in irritation, as he plopped on his bed, exhaustion and annoyance taking over his body. Ever since he and Hyde have become a couple, his lover and his best friend have been at each other’s throats…why? Well who knows? All he knows is that they’re driving him up the wall…and it’s all he can do not to scream and run out the room when they both happened to be there too. He sighed heavily, holding an arm over his eyes, letting his need for sleep to take over…without even bothering to burrow under his covers.- - - -
Twenty minutes later, Hyde knocked on the door…and You answered it, glaring at him. “Oh it’s YOU.” He groaned, rolling his eyes.
“It’s nice to see YOU too.” Hyde muttered, returning the gaze. “Is Gacchan home?”
“Unfortunately yes he is.” The violinist grumbled, letting him in. “Why did he have to date YOU of all people?”
“Because I love him as much as he loves me…duh. What’s the matter? Are you jealous?” Hyde dared to mock.
“Of YOU? Huh when hell freezes over and girls wear full blown biker mustaches.” The taller man scoffed.
“That look would be interesting on you.” The vocalist mused, walking into the living room. You stopped in his tracks.
“Did you just call me a GIRL?!”
“Looks like you’re not as dense as you act.” Hyde mocked, running his fingers through his hair and looking at the ground for a split second.
“What’s the matter too short to look me in the eye?” You mocked back.
“That was LOW!” the small man shouted, glaring up at him.
“I know.” The violinist giggled evilly. Hyde rolled his eyes, before walking down the hall.
“Are you sure Gacchan’s here?”
“Mmhmm…He’s been home all day.” You replied, debating on whether or not he should trip the unwanted guest.
“It’s awfully quiet….maybe he ran away from your obnoxious bitching.”
“Ooor…maybe he slit his throat for putting himself in a relationship with the likes of YOU.”
“Fuck you!” Hyde shouted, fury painting his face.
“Hehehe, I wouldn’t allow that even IF you were the last midget on earth.” You mocked, giving him the evil eye and a triumphant smirk.
- - --
Gackt stirred at the annoying noise of the two dearest/most annoying people in his world. He rolled over, pulling a pillow over his head. Aww not again…why today? He asked himself, forcing himself back into his dreams.
- - - - -
“You’re so annoying! Why don’t you find something better to do then to follow Gackt like a puppy?!” Hyde asked, glaring at You.
“Why don’t YOU drop dead?!” You asked. They were both inches from brutally maiming each other, when they opened Gackt’s bedroom door.
“GACCHAN!!” They shouted…only to get a soft snore as a response.
“Gacchan?” Hyde asked, tilting his head.
“He’s sleeping you idiot.” You snapped at him. The smaller man glared at him, before sitting on the bed and running his fingers through his lover’s hair.
“He looks so troubled…I wonder what it could be.” He mused.
“Maybe it’s how annoying you are.” You suggested. The two bickering men went wide eyed at the sight of Gackt pulling a pillow over his head. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Hyde asked.
“We’re doing it.” The taller man sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “We’re the ones making Gacchan troubled….we fight too much.” Hyde watched, as You sat on the other side of the man in question.
“I think you’re right…we’ve been at each other’s throats and we haven’t even thought about how this was affecting him.” he sighed, biting his lip.
“Maybe we should try to be nice…for him?” You asked putting on a brave face.
“Yes…for him.” Hyde agreed, smiling. “After all, Gacchan’s feelings mean more to me then anything.”
“I agree.” You said quietly, as they stared down at the sleeping soloist.
- - -
A few hours later, Gackt opened an eye to see Hyde lying next to him. He smiled warmly running his fingers through his lover’s hair…it was an unexpected and pleasant surprise, and it made his heart flutter…well until he heard a soft sigh on the other side of him. Confused, Gackt rolled over and went wide eyed…at the sight of You fast asleep. Gackt looked at You, then looked at Hyde, then looked at You again, then scratched his head a little harder, a look of pure puzzlement written on his face.
He carefully sat up, scratching his head. Oookay…this is weird. Did I miss something? The lost soloist asked himself, looking at them both. After a while of just sitting there, the need for sleep came to him again. Oh who cares? He asked himself, lying back down. Hyde snuggled against him, wrapping an arm around him. You did the same, bringing a smile and a blush on the soloist’s face.
Despite how strange the whole situation was, Gackt found himself more peaceful then he had been in almost forever, as he drifted off to sleep. This is really nice…I hope it stays this way. Were his final thoughts before losing himself in his dreams.
I really couldn't do three way smut...no matter how much I thought of it...it just wouldn't compute. XD