Dec 06, 2005 10:54
Dear Friends,
Though I love you all very much, and you know I do, the time has come for me to run away. I am hereby announcing that this time next month I will no longer reside in Bradenton, or even Florida for that matter, but will instead make my home on the side of a mountain in the beautiful Pikes National Forest. That's right, I'm oficially moving to Colorado and there's no turning back. I've already talked to my boss at Starbucks, thus setting the wheels in motion for real. I'm not messing around this time, it's really going to happen, and Thought I am as happy as a really happy scuba diver listening to audio books, I'm also a little bit sad/scared. this is it, this is me growing up and it's just a bit intimidating. I really have no idea what I'm doing, and the last month hasn't really helped with my confidence as I seem to have screwed up a few things here. But I'm learning lessons and moving on, and from what I understand that's all a part of growing up anyway, so who knows, maybe I'm doing this right after all. Anyway,I thought it was about time I share my news and tell you all that I would love to see as many people as possible over the Christmas break. If you're in town and you want to hang out, you know where to find me.
Love you guys,
Hannah Leigh.