(no subject)

Feb 02, 2005 10:34

Of all the people you know

Smells the best? Dave
Worst? Ansley
Understands you the most? Alyssa
Can you keep a secret with? Alydda
Do you associate with lying? Ashely
Heartbreak? Lorne
Did you recently realize you're compatible with? Julie
Do you think you're going to stay friends with for a long time? ALyssa
Writes poetry like you do? alyss
Can you rely most on? Alyssa, Mommy, Dave
Do you know will make you smile? Bill
Laugh? alyssa
Cry? Lorne
Do you spend most time with? Alyss
Least? Jordan
Do you think about the most? Depends on the day.
Knows you the best? Alyssa
Admires you the most? Lauren
Scares you the most? Eyal
Is the best listener? Eugene
Talker? Me and my sis... and Susan
Can express themself the best? No idea
Would give up their life for you without hesitation? no idea
Are you most likely to consult after a bad break-up? Alyssa for support, Gino for advice, Billy to make me forget and smile
A bad day? Everyone i talk to would hear about it
Supports you the most? Mom and alyssa
Makes you angry? Twins
Frustrated? Twins
Do you appriciate the most? My sister who is my partner in crime
Do you want to get to know better? Guy
Will read this? nobody reads my lj
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