hate to talk about this but

Aug 06, 2011 03:53

So I was on CNA website browsing the news and I read about this underaged kid who pretended to be possessed to rape girls (here). Such a heartbreaking piece of news really... even more so that the rapist and victims were just about 14 at that time. What the hell's wrong with these kids, really? Spending time and effort devising a clever plan to trick girls, their own friends even, into sleeping with them?

Girls get taken advantage of/violated everyday, and I'm not even talking about severe crimes like rape/sexual abuse etc. It is really just whether you're observant/aware enough to notice it happening in your daily life. It could be a stranger following behind you, a man standing unnecessarily close to you on the bus or train, someone pretending to be fiddling with his phone but is actually taking a photo of you, lewd stares and smiles from an old uncle, a not so accidental touch/elbow, somebody peering down your top... All of these have happened to me (and I can safely say any other girl) at least once and each time I was just too afraid/stunned to do anything. And once the moment has passed you really cannot do anything at all but just feel bad about yourself for the rest of the day(s). The best part of it is that most of these are non-arrestable offences. What's a poor girl to do? Right now I'd say be very very brave and take a hard object and smack the bugger in the face but its always easier said than done anyway. I really wish more was done to educate girls, young girls especially because they make such easy targets, on how to react when things like these happen. 
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