Aug 26, 2006 09:48
2 days left well..the rest of today and then all of tomorrow.
and then school starts. last year of high school...pretty crazy. but whateves
so quite an interesting summer to say the least. pretty action packed actually. had to deal with some life and death situations, lost 2 friends, got quite a bit more freedom from my parents resulting in being able to hang out more, getting closer to ppl that i really didnt expect to get close to, and quite a few other things.
lol oh and i went to the first school football game last nite.
44-0...for the other team. the polar bears (which btw was made up of all black guys) one heck of a game. especially since i finally set eyes on the "friend" who i've been fuming over since i found out all the stuff that happened behind my back. nate already told her that i was a bit "tissy" as she put it..which btw who says tissy. whatever. so yea after she first saw me when i showed up she looked beyond nervous which was pretty amusing to watch. then at halftime she had the nerve to accuse me of something 100% absurd. that was...unique. but hey whateves. monday shall come and if she asks im letting it all out.
we'll see how that goes =) woo.