Title: Grace in Your Heart :: Part 5/?
lovely_sparkPairing: Kurt/Blaine [Side pairings: Tina/Mike, Blaine/OMC (non-romantic), Carole/Burt]
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: [Fic] Prostitution, exploration of consent, and alcohol abuse.
Length: 7,000 for this chapter
Spoilers: This is an AU, so not really beyond the latest episode.
Story Summary: Stripper AU
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There is no way you are reading my story and saying such wonderful things. Oh my god.
Thank you. Your stories are the most thoughtful, tender things that I've ever read-- so hearing that from you just blows my mind and makes my heart hurt in an achy fangirl way.
Burt is my favorite of all favorites. I think that his relationship with Kurt could change the multiverse if given the chance. I jumped at the chance to introduce him here.
I'll stop before I just start rambling.I give you internet hug now *hug*
Thank you. *hugs*
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