Title: Grace in Your Heart :: Part 2/?
lovely_sparkPairing: Kurt/Blaine [Side pairings: Tina/Mike, Blaine/OMC (non-romantic), Carole/Burt]
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: [Fic] Prostitution, exploration of consent, and alcohol abuse. [This chapter] Alcoholism.
Length: 8,149 for this chapter
Spoilers: This is an AU, so not really beyond 3x06.
Story Summary:
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I'm glad you like Beiste. She really is one of my favorite characters on Glee, if not in my top 3. She was a blessing in Season 2, and I can't even begin to tell you with how much I identified with her. If I could have had her on TV when I was in junior high, I wouldn't have felt so awkward and ungainly. She really did capture my heart quickly.
Puck the sex shark
Mike's text:
Blaine's a big softie, he really is. I'm glad that you like his characterization here, and Kurt's too!
I didn't think of the "courage" line though. I'm so disappointed in myself. I should try to include it in the next chapter, I suppose. XD
Thank you so much for leaving such a lovely and thoughtful comment. I'm glad that you like it <3
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