So, this time in two weeks, the semester will be over. Which means that in barely over one week, finals will commence.
I'm not worried about Focus, Seminar, or Discrete Maths. It's Calc I and Programming w. Java that are going to do me in. I hate math so much!! I can't wait 'til I can say goodbye to that evil Calc class. The professor's awesome; I just hate his subject.
And as for Java. Our professor is Indian. No one has been able to understand a damn thing he's said all semester! So I went out and bought a Java for Dummies book. I have one week to teach myself enough Java to bullshit my way through a final. Go me! >.<
Aaaaaah, I can't wait 'til the semester's over and I can RELAX!!! Next semester's going to be so much fun!! I'll actually have time to work on my many unfinished side projects!!
- NOVEL: needs at least 20000 more words. personal deadline: Dec 25th
- MOVIE SCRIPT: only 1/3 done. personal deadline: Dec 05th
- T-SHIRT BUSINESS: in development stages. need actual designs. personal deadline: ??
- "Still Alive" AMV: only needs three more drawings, then colour all drawings. might opt for coloured pencils rather than photoshop, but i'll regret it later. personal deadline: Dec 13th
- "Twelve Pains Of Xmas" AMV: haven't fucking started. personal deadline Dec 25th
My entrepreneurial side is gonna be the death of me.