Swiped from
First Fandom of 2007: Death Note
Favorite Main Character of 2007: Miroku!! (InuYasha)
Favorite Villain of 2007: Marik (again for like the fourth year straight)
Favorite Video Game Character of 2007: Kouichi in Lifesigns: Surgical Unit.
Favorite Game of 2007: Tie between the DDR series and the Sims 2 series
Favorite Het Couple of 2007: Not quite sure
Favorite Yuri Couple of 2007: Kyoko x Kamiya (The Ping Pong Club)
Favorite Yaoi Couple of 2007: Tie between Miroku x InuYasha and Marik x Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Fandom That Made An Unexpected Comeback: InuYasha (quit watching for three years, then watched EVERY episode within a two month span!)
Fandom That Inspired The Most Crack: Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon
Last Fandom of 2007: Excel Saga!!!!!!!!!