
Jan 16, 2007 00:32

Sally-Anne was sitting at her usual table in the back of the library. Her notes, which were usually neatly organized, were stacked in reckless piles on the desk. Sally had always had descent grades, but since the headmistress had reviewed her homework, her Transfiguration and Herbology grades had greatly suffered. She stared down at her newly ( Read more... )

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Mind a second? gwennie_doll January 16 2007, 21:04:26 UTC
The only place Gwenn could even begin to get away enough to concentrate on her writing was the Library. Even there was touchy. Too many people kept sending her looks as if she could make this whole re-grading fiasco go away.

Finally giving up on the section of her novel she'd been trying to rewrite, the blonde headed off toward the front of the library again. When she caught sight of the other girl, she couldn't help stopping and looking down at the notes she had.

"I can help you with Herbology if you want." Though, from what Gwenn had heard the others say about their marks any sort of help would turn into an accusation of cheating.

ooc: Feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like another 3rd on here. And Since Felicia did an intro, I figure I might as well. Hi! I'm Christina (aka Chrissy) and I play Jake (5th year Huffle), Julie-Ann (1st year Huffle), Zoey (7th Year Gryff), Ron (we all know who he is), and Gwenn (obviously. She's Head Girl, Huffle). I was thinking they (as in Sally and Gwenn) could be pretty good friends? You ( ... )


Re: Not at all ;) lovely_sally January 16 2007, 22:28:22 UTC
Sally-Anne looked up from her Herbology essay and gave the older girl a small smile. Her "A" had been thickly crossed out and a failing mark had been written over it. Right underneath this, a comment about plagiarism had been scribbled.

“Would it make any difference?” she asked Gwenn, raising an eyebrow. "I could learn the book by heart and still fail." She let out a long, desperate sigh.

"Your grades got lowered too, uh?" she inquired, remembering some girls gossiping about it in the third floor bathroom.

ooc: Hi! I’m Steph. Nice to meet you (all of you really)! YAY! Sally had another friend.


gwennie_doll January 16 2007, 23:48:47 UTC
"Good point. She'd probably say you were cheating if I helped you at all." Belatedly, Gwenn realized it was probably best not to say anything like that. With the uproar about the whole thing, it was hard not to.

Scrunching her nose up like she so often did, the Head Girl glanced around before leaning against the edge of the table. "Mine actually all, like, stayed the same. I was kind of surprised." Though she probably shouldn't have been since she'd been getting a bit of preferential treatment already since she was allowed to wear her over the top designer shoes whenever she wanted even when the other girls lost points for not completely following the dress code.

ooc: and I'm a ditz. I totally meant to say happy1hysterical is my sn on aim...not like msn or anything. XD


lovely_sally January 17 2007, 04:04:00 UTC
Sally rolled her eyes. This was ridiculous.

"My Herbology marks went down, as well as Transfiguration. Although, I'm still passing transfiguration with an A.. so that's alright I guess." She nervously glanced at her essays.

"I appreciate the offer though," she said truthfully to her friend. "Maybe you could proofread my next essay?" She looked up at the fellow housemate gratefully. It was at times like this she appreciated her house the most. They were always willing to help out, just and loyal to the end.

"I'm happy for you," she added, although she couldn't help a bit frustrated of all this favoritism. She was happy for her friend, really, but she still wished everyone would get the same treatment.


gwennie_doll January 17 2007, 04:26:41 UTC
"Yeah, I can do that." She promised. "Essays are my strong suit anyway. Comes with the whole writer mentality, I guess."

It was hard not to frown, but she managed to keep a mostly blank expression. "I really can't do anything about it." Gwenn didn't really feel bad that her grades weren't changed. Maybe it was a very un-Hufflepuff trait, but it was true. She hated what was happening to everyone else, but what could she do? "I'd try to talk to her, but she'd probably either demote me and make Chang Head Girl or mark me down way below failing."


lovely_sally January 17 2007, 04:36:36 UTC
"Thanks a lot." Sally toyed distractedly with a loose thread on her sweater.

"I know," she replied to her friend's comment. "It's not like you ask for this. And there is really nothing you can do."

Sally shook her head. "There is no point in whining about this for hours. Won't change anyone's grade." This discussion had been analyzed over and over by every student and, frankly, it was starting to get a bit redundant.

"Anything knew with you?" she asked trying to change the subject.


gwennie_doll January 17 2007, 04:47:03 UTC
Her expression shifted into one of her typical smiles. The subject change definitely wasn't going to be brought up by Gwenn long as she could help it.

"Not really I guess." She shrugged, looking at the ends of her hair. She really could use a haircut and should probably touch up the blonde. "I'm just working on my novel. After I got the book deal, they set me up with all sorts of deadlines. It's going to be like totally hell trying to get it all done with school on the side too."


lovely_sally January 17 2007, 04:53:59 UTC
"Yeah..," Sally said sympathetically. "It must be terribly stressful." She shuddered at the thought of having more work than she already had. Looking at her bitten down finger nails, she knew they definitely could not handle any more stress.

"No writer's block, I hope?" she asked, half teasing, half serious.


gwennie_doll January 17 2007, 05:01:36 UTC
"Merlin, don't jinx me!" A hand flew to her forehead in her most mock-dramatic manner.

"So far so good. I'm seriously tempted just to leave and not finish out the year. I already have a career, and if the Weasley twins can do it, I totally could." Gwenn made the fifth mental note of the hour to deduct money from herself for saying 'like' and 'totally' so much recently.


lovely_sally January 17 2007, 05:17:01 UTC
Sally let out a hushed giggled, remembering that they were, after all, in the library.

"Ummm," she replied slowly. After a few seconds she added, "Well a diploma couldn't hurt. You never know, might even be useful." She bit the inside of her lip when she realized she was echoing the speech her father had given her older sister a few years back. "Not that I think you wouldn't make it, of course... because I know you would. I mean you already have a steady carrier, I'm just saying.. you've already done 6 and a half years, why not finish it? Otherwise, all these efforts for nothing. I mean sure you'll have learned things, but you'll have nothing to prove it. Not that you need proof, but you know..." Sally-Anne was saying all of this very quickly. She finally stopped talking abruptly and looked down at her shoes.

She slapped herself mentally, there she was, for the 100th time this week, rambling on and on. She looked up at the older girl, hoping she had not offended her in any way.


gwennie_doll January 17 2007, 05:29:46 UTC
The little speech actually made Gwenn laugh. The sixth year was way too funny sometimes. Then again, Gwenn probably only thought that because she had a bad tendency to ramble herself on occassions.

"No, you make sense. And, I mean, my mum and da would pitch a fit if I don't graduate even if I don't even live with them anymore. And my aunt and uncle would probably kick me out before I even made it back to the manor." She made a disgusted face and shook her head before laughing again. "Plus, I'd like to have my trust fund, and they went crazy and said I have to have the diploma first."


lovely_sally January 17 2007, 05:39:46 UTC
Sally-Anne was relieved to hear Gwenn laugh. She had too often said things she shouldn't have while trying to explain herself.

"I guess school isn't that bad anyways. I'm sure you'll miss it once you leave. I feel like I know this place better than my own house." Sally tried to imagine how it would feel like not to come back to Hogwarts. It just seemed so surreal. One year and then, *pop*, that was it. Done. Finished. As much as she complained about this place, she knew she would miss it very much.

"So what is your novel about, anyways?," she asked, then wondered if Gwenn was even allowed to talk about it.


gwennie_doll January 17 2007, 05:43:32 UTC
She leaned in very close, as if she were telling a big secret, "Promise not to tell the Muggles?" It was actually more of a stage whisper and punctuated by a wink.

Gwenn was keeping it hushed up from most people, except those she knew she could trust. Sally was just one of those girls she couldnt' help but trust.


lovely_sally January 17 2007, 05:48:49 UTC
Sally couldn't help but feel intrigued. She leaned in and squinted her eyes slightly, as if to make sure this wasn't some sort of big joke.

"I promise," she said showing both hands as a proof of her honesty.


gwennie_doll January 17 2007, 06:03:47 UTC
Gwenn boosted herself up to sit on the tabletop and crossed her legs. She leaned over and tried to think of the best summary she could.

"Well, the working title is Foreign Affairs. The main character goes to visit family in one of those annoying Southern states in America. She gets into a fair bit of trouble when she stumbles up on someone who's trying to expose witches. It goes back and forth a lot between here and there. Some people are after her, btu they get her cousin instead. It's a good thing she's good with memory Charms." Maybe it sounded completely lame, but Gwenn maintained that you just had to read it to get the full effect.


lovely_sally January 17 2007, 06:13:16 UTC
Sally-Anne listened closely to Gwenn's summary.

"Sounds exciting!" Sally had always been a huge reader and she devoured book with any kind of suspense. It always amazed her how authors manage to make every piece fit together, as if the story had actually happened. "You definitely need to get me a copy," she replied enthusiastically. "I love the title! You should definitely keep that one."

"And it better be signed by the author," she added with a grin.


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