eff you see kay!

Nov 17, 2005 22:26

today was horrible
i almost died of a tummy ache last period
im failing many things
im grounded for much too long

and i am so happy.
please dont let it be a joke

what was your favorite age and why?

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Comments 5

z1z2z3z4z5777 November 18 2005, 06:12:14 UTC
I liked being 16.
I liked it because so many good things happened to me that year.
I made new and interesting friends, I met Katie, I got a car, I got a job, etc.

This year (school year) hasn't been very good, though.


(The comment has been removed)

anonymous November 18 2005, 15:21:41 UTC
This week has sucked, yeah... x-x Hope you feel better

I think my favorite age was 10. I had a lot of friends and I was doing well in school. I don't think I've had that since XD but last year (at 16) I came pretty close...


eye_meets_eye November 18 2005, 15:22:34 UTC
Whoops, that was me; didn't mean to reply to that one so much as post a new comment ♥

Can't wait until senior year.


munkeybiz November 19 2005, 02:05:18 UTC
Stomach's got the best of you? Damn...*hands you a bottle of Peptol Bizmol*....well this can't fail you. You'll be free in no time and roam happily. No joke.

Favorite age...my lone 18th birthday, only cuz I went to a strip joint. That was fun!


anonymous November 19 2005, 23:34:01 UTC
Hey my favorite age was umm 17 cause thats when i got to meet you my Dani

- First Mate


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